First day of prison.

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So at the start of every school year,ever since me and Luke started school we would go together.

But this year,this year it's different it's our graduation year,


Lucas my bestfriend.

Graduating together this year.

It's so hard to believe,we're finishing school together!

So back to what I was saying..

Every year me and Luke walk to school together,on the first day likes parents and my parents would make us go to eachothers houses,have breakfast,do what we have to do,and take pictures as if we were still only starting our first day ever,they normally wouldn't cry,but today was different it was our last year so they were crushing their eyes out..we'll our moms would.

"Hurry up you two unless you want to be late!" Liz Luke's mom shouted down at us.

So here's were the story starts.

"Ready?"Luke asks.

"Ready for another year in prison?"I replied

"You mean school"he's says stating the obvious.

"Well thanks for the sarcasim smarty pants"I say.

"Let's go"

"BYE GUYS"we both shouted at the same time..then looked at eachother and started laughing loudly for no reason at all.

...We reached school...

I took Luke's arm to make him stop walking for a minute.

He looked at me to show me he had his full attention.


"Yeah?whats wrong?"

"When this year is you think we'll still be bestfriends?"I say looking down to the ground.

Luke tilted my chin up so that I was staring into his sparkling blue eyes"El guess what?"


"You will always be my bestfriend,and only mine,not one time in this universe will I let anyone replace you."

"I love you so much Lucas"and I meant it I loved Luke with all my heart.

"Okay since you seem sad,I'll let you away with calling me Lucas,but only this once"


"Okay that's it"

"What's it?what are you gonna do about it lukey?"



"Oooooohhh my mom,please don't I'm soooooo scareddd"

"I can taste the sarcasim"

"But seriously Luke put me down and stop tickling me before I get sick everywhere!"

"Never will I let you down babe"

Did he just call me?babe?

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"We going to be late if I don't,so okay"

We both walk to our lockers,get what we need and head to our first class.

"Luke go to class!"

"I'm walking you to class first."

"Come on Luke I'm pretty sure I'm able to walk to class by myself and I do t want you getting detention on your first day now go."

"Ok,ok right after I take you to class."

"Ugh okay fine."

We reached my class.

"Wow maths..greaaattt!"I say sarcastically.

"Sucks to be you,haha."

"Sure does"I say but not load enough for him to hear me..

"Okay,well I'll see you at lunch,lukey boy!"

"Bye El,I love youuuuuuu!"Luke says in a sing song.

Luke's P.O.V

After I have left El at maths,I headed to my own class,thank god the teacher had been talking to a student,so I just sneaked in.

All I could think about during English class was El and how beautiful she is and how amazing she is and how she's not like most girls that dress to the up-to-date style or whatever,or the way she wears converse instead of heals,and that she doesn't cake on the make-up and she uses so little,not that she even needs it.

She's stunning,I wish I could just spend all day,everyday with her by my side because that's how much I love having her around.

I'd to anything to keep her safe I hope she knows that.

Wow I know I love El but as my bestfriend,but never would I think I'm falling in love with her and I have been from the first day of school ever which was a good few years now,I'm not going to tell her I can't it will ruin every bit of friendship we have unless she like me too,but she doesn't so yeah.



I met El at her locker before we headed of to lunch to meet with the rest.

When we reached the table,the rest of our friends greeted us.

El was about to walk over to marrisa,but I stopped her before she did.

She turned around and looked to show me I had her full attention.

"Sit beside me today"

"Haha Luke we're never apart why?"

"Cause I like when were together,and I know we'll still be at the same table but I don't want to be apart from you...ever I want you beside me forever"I say truthfully.

"Luke Hemmings you are the most cheesiest boy I have ever know"

"But your cute,so okay."

"Yaaaayyy,haha everyone Ellie is sitting beside me and not you!!"

"Omg HAHHAHAHA Luke shut up"Ellie said quite embarrassed.

After lunch had finished we all went to class.

The bell sang,telling us we were dismissed for the day and we could finally go home.

I walked with El since we always did and we were next door neighbours after all.

Omg guys I'm so sooty for this like extremely boring chapter like I'm so sorry,I'm going to make it better I promise the book gets a little better,anyways this is my first book so no hateee please,anyways hope you enjoy reading this and omg Ellie and Luke need to get together he is so cute.byeee

Love you all even if I do not know your but yeah💖x

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