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lukes P.O.V

"hey el"

"hi lukey"she said softly.

"you ready to come home?"i asked her.

"i sure am,i dont like hostipals that much."

a while later..

"okay so off we go."

"hey luke..."she asked as we got in the car.

"whats up?"

"thank you for coming to bring me home and im sorry,i shouldve told you."she said as a tear fell down her cheek.

she put her head down but i lifted it right back up so that she was looking me in the eyes.

"hey dont cry"i said lifting my hand to wipe her tear away."im sorry i didnt notice and that you felt that way.

"theres no need for you to be sorry luke,your the only one whos been there for me."

we arrived home 20 minutes later.

i brought elle into her house and sat on the couch with her.

"so since its saturday,i know your only home but would you liketo do anything?do you want me to get you anything?"

"can i just stay her,well with you too and we can watch some movies?"she asked sadly.

"of course we can,what better way to spend the day."

i walked into her kitchen to get some snacks andupstairs to get her duvet.

i went back to the sitting room to see shes already sitting down looking torught movies on netflix.

"hey my favoite penguin,would lukey like to watch mean girls with mee?"she smirked but ended up bursting out with laughter.

"when do i ever say no to mean girls,it my faveeeee gurl and you know thattt."i replied in a girl voice while pretending to flip my hair.

she started the movie and we both sat on the couch.

"hey come here."i told her.

she sat closer to me.

"cuddle me?"i aksed and so she did.

i looked down to her a while later to see her fast asleep on my chest.

i carried her up to her room to see it was already 11.

"goodnight el"i said before walking out the dorr.

i heard my name bearly being called so i walked back in to her room to see her eyes just about open.

"luke...can you stay here with me?"she asked"only if you want to"

"sure i can"i smiled at her.

she cuddled up into me.

"goodnight el,i love you."i whispered.

"i love you too."she said as she fell asleep.

okay guys i know i know this isnt the best...so far and im sorry about that.i shall try and make it better in the next chapter or two but until then you gotta just wait.im also going to try update more.ELLIE AND LUKE HAVE TO GET TOGETHER OH MY GOD!

anywys thank you to anybody who has read so far i hope you enjoyed it,an dyes this is my first book o any ideas?leave in the comments also please dont cry at how bad my writing skills are im hpoing to improve them.

thanks you guys once again and i love youss aw x

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