YES, A NEW BOOK! Hello previous fans of Icetail's Enemy, I am here to proudly present to you the sequel of IE, and I myself am very excited to see how this turns out. Ah, a fresh start, with new ideas, characters and much, much more. My writing has improved throughout my journey writing IE, and I think that this book may be better than the last. It may not be as emotionally developed, but I'll work my hardest at all the action, adventure and especially the character development because I think that was what defined my previous book. So, please enjoy this sequel, and let's see how it turns out! :)
Leader: Icestar - battle-scarred gray tom with white paws, a white underbelly, a torn ear and amber eyes (apprentice: Amberpaw)
Deputy: Sharpfang - gray tom with blue eyes
Medicine Cat: Sweetheart - cream colored she-cat with brown eyes
Stonetooth - brown tabby tom with light green eyes
Crowflight - black tom-cat with white tail tip, white ears and amber eyes
Rosepetal - gray tabby she-cat with a sleek pelt and blue eyes
Fireshade - orange tom with green eyes and a white tail tip
Nightrose - black she-cat with white paws, a white tail-tip and white ear tips
Shadowheart - black tom with amber eyes
Redsky - ginger she-cat with green eyes
Shiningmoon - orange she-cat with blue eyes
Goldsun - white she-cat with golden yellow eyes
Skypelt - big white tom with brown eyes (apprentice: Bloodpaw)
Petalwing - small cream she-cat with a fluffy tail and blue eyes
Rainwhisker - dark gray tom with white paws and amber eyes
Volefur - large white tom with brown eyes (apprentice: Blackpaw)
Dawnstripe - light orange she-cat with brown eyes
Flameheart - rusty orange tom with amber eyes
Squirreltail - gray tom cat
Lilyclaw - light gray tabby she-cat with light blue eyes, formerly of DarkClan
Amberpaw - ginger she-cat
Blackpaw - black tom cat
Bloodpaw - scarred reddish tom with white paws, ears and tail-tip, formerly of DarkClan
Sagepelt - golden she-cat with brilliant green eyes (kits: Shadekit - gray tom kit with black tabby marks, and Berrykit - cream-colored she-kit. Father is Sharpfang).
Silverleaf - silver she-cat with light blue eyes (kits: Dewkit - white tom kit with dark blue eyes, and Ravenkit - black she-kit with white paws and amber eyes. Father is Icestar).
Swiftbreeze - gray she-cat with green eyes (kits: Smokekit - gray and reddish tom kit with green eyes. Father is Ashtail).
Thrushclaw- old brown tabby tom with light brown eyes
Adderclaw - brown tom with large white paws and green eyes
Leader: Swiftstar - large black and white tom cat with green eyes
Deputy: Echoleaf - muscular brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Medicine Cat: Violettooth - dark ginger she-cat with green eyes
Splashface - thin brown tabby she-cat
Leader: Lakestar - gray tom cat with light blue eyes and a torn ear
Deputy: Ferretheart - white tom with green eyes
Medicine Cat: Daisyleap - white she-cat with green eyes
Leader: Stonestar - gray tabby she-cat cat with green eyes
Deputy: Berryheart - white tom cat with ginger splotches
Medicine Cat:
Pineheart - brown tabby tom with green eyesGorsewind - brown tom with a white underbelly, white paws and amber eyes
Forest - old tom cat with an unusually-colored calico pelt, and one green eyeRogues
Dagger - tom cat with a mangy, unkept yellow peltJinx - tom with dark brown tabby stripes and large white paws
Fang - white tom cat with yellow eyes
Lilac - small silver tabby tom with long fur and green eyes
Sunshine - golden she-cat
Rowan - large dark tabby tom

Warrior Cats: The New Course (STILL UPDATING)
Fanfic(ICETAIL'S ENEMY SEQUAL!) "The ancient secrets of the forest will sway of a new path for three cats alone." Everyone knows how Icestar's brother died in the Battle of Darkness. As the false Clan is gone, everyone hopes for peace, but within due time...