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Paisley wasn’t really a picky eater, she was more of a difficult eater. When it came time for lunch or dinner, she would show signs that she was hungry, but when it came down to actually feeding her, it was a mission of it’s own. 

“Nnn” Paisley clamped her lips shut and moved her mouth away from the green goo that her father was trying to feed her. After one bite of the green stuff and she was down, no more for her.

“Come on you.” Void continued to follow the spoon with her head movements. “I know you’re hungry. It’s green beans tonight. You liked green beans last time you ate them.”

“Mmnn.” She furrowed her brow like a child her age would do. She wasn’t going to eat any more. 

“Fine. I’m going to have to take drastic measures here.” Void got up to retrieve that bag of mini kit kats from the cupboard. Opening the bag he held one out for Paisley who opened her mouth to receive it, only Void swooped in and placed the mushed up green beans into her mouth. 

“Mmmnnnn.” Paisley glared at her father eating the mush.

“You’ll thank me one day Paisley.” Void laughed lightly and tried the trick a couple more times, getting her to eat the rest of her dinner.

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