chapter 7

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 Thunder woke up, blinking sleep out of his eyes.

Sneakers cringed, cowering in the corner.

Thunder walked over to the kit.

"What's wron..." His words cut short, when he spotted black form, white striped snout and big, heavy claws and paws that could kill a cat with one swipe. It's legs bulged with muscles and its black eyes glittered evilly In the dark, full of malice. Thunder gasped. "badger!"

As if by some unspoken message, Thunder and Sneakers backed away, slowly. The creature sniffed. And advanced towards them slowly. Thunder looked back at Sneakers, her blue eyes were as wide as his own green eyes and showed a ring of white around each eye. There was pure terror on her face as she backed away, shaking her head in disbelief. After a moment, there showed a look of calm on her face and she meowed.

"Thunder this way!"

Thunder followed in confusion. Then, he noticed a thin ghostly layer of fur outlining Sneakers' back. Thunder swallowed a lump of emotion. Fluffy.

He padded after them. Then, the shape peeled away from Sneakers. And padded to touch noses. The cat dipped its head. "I'm proud of you, Thunder, now do you understand where your destiny lies?" Thunder nodded."good, now go, Sneakers will tell you where to go." The cat faced the badger. Hissed once and scared the badger out if it's fur. He guessed the badger had never seen a spirit cat before! Thunder nodded, and obeyed, squeezing his way through a tunnel.

As the tunnel grew narrower, Thunder began to feel claustrophobic, aware of the amount of earth pressing down on him, as he crawled, on his belly.

Panicking, Thunder clawed the earth, In all directions, spinning, in a wild frenzy.

"Thunder?" Sneakers called from the top."are you okay?" the kit sounded puzzled, and slightly amuzed.

Swallowing his panic, Thunder replied." Of course, just got stuck, that's all."

Every hair on his pelt prickling, Thunder continued, whiskers his only guide, in the dark, suffocating tunnel. He shot out of the hole, gasping, as he broke the surface. His fur crawled as he groomed the dirt out of his fur. I am never going to do that again! I will leave that to the experts, prey! He shook the mud out of his gray tabby pelt.

Sneakers came over." Come on Thunder! The cat told me where to go! Hurry!" She zoomed away, Thunder following.

* * * * * * * *

Sneakers tail went straight up, when they came to a tall, yellow and brown building. Sneakers had told him what they were called, with a gray, winding path leading to a dark brown door.

Red and yellow Flowers protruding from green, frilly bushes lining the walls. Thunder gaped, at how huge it was. Never had he seen such a structure in his life! Thunder's eyes widened, and he took a step back.

Sneakers' eyes shone with joy. She padded down the path, to the door and scratched at it, meowing plaintively.

Thunder's fur stood on end, as the door opened. "Sneakers! What are you doing!" He hissed under his breath.

Sneakers didn't answer. An older man walked out and scooped her up.

"oh, Sneakers! Good golly Sneakers! You're okay? I was worried, after that Tornado storm. Come in!" The man exclaimed, scratching her under the chin. "Your family is gonna be real happy to see you!"

Sneakers purred. The door shut. Thunder crept to the window and peered inside. The man carried Sneakers over to a soft square figure and say down on it. A woman joined them. " oh Sne-Sne-Sneakers!"

Three cats appeared, from a corner of the room. One was a light gray, slim tabby. Another was a golden, muscular Siamese with a brown head and tail, a larger version of Sneakers. Last came a small, black tabby kit with gray stripes. They all had blue eyes.

They have to be Sneakers' family!

Sneakers wiggled out of the man's grip and joined her family on the floor, who greeted her warmly, tails twining, they pushed each other's head and nuzzled. Their rumbling purrs filled the house.

"oh my daughter! How did you escape the Funnelwind?" The gray tabby asked.

Sneakers yawned. "we'll, I was asleep mostly, but Thunder could tell you."

They looked in confusion. " who's Thunder?" Sneakers tail lashed excitedly. "The one who brought me home!"

Sneakers replied. "Come on outside! I'll show ya!"

Sneakers dashed out a door in the back.

Slightly nervous,Thunder ran back to meet them.

Sneakers slipped through a small flap in the door. A strange sight.

"Thunder!" Sneakers called. " come meet my family!"

Reluctantly, Thunder stepped out into the open. "Greetings." Thunder dipped his head. "I am Thunder, lea-" Thunder almost forgot to leave out the 'leader of Swift Gang' part of the gesture.

The slim, silvery tabby came up to Thunder, looking him up and down.

"I'm Gray Tigre, this is my mate," she looked back at the muscular Siamese. "Acorn tail." A black kit popped up beside them. "And I'm Nightstream, Sneakers' sister!"

Sneakers came up. "they are my parents!"

Gray Tigre's eyes narrowed. " is it true?" Her tone was wary. "Are you the one who saved my daughter?" Thunder felt the heat of the mother's gaze. "Y-Y-Yes m-m-am." He stammered, feeling uncomfortable.

"I found her and brought her here, and hid her from the storm." He bowed his head.

Gray Tigre looked thoughtfully for a while, then too bowed her head. "Then we are forever In your debt." Her blue eyes softened. "come, Sneakers, we've got much to talk about." She urged, as she lead her daughter back inside. "Wait!" Sneakers squeaked and ran to Thunder, pushing her nose in his gray, tabby fur, purring.

"Thank you Thunder." She murmured.

Choked with emotion, Thunder replied. "Your welcome, you got a good heart kid."

Sneakers looked up at him, Blue eyes wet with tears of joy. " you know what? I know I like you. You're a good friend." She sniffed. "I'm gonna miss you."

Thunder licked her head. He nuzzled her ear. " I'll miss you too kid. But I'll be back to visit. Sometime." Sneakers looked back up at him again. "Promise?"

Thunder purred. " of course, I promise." Sneakers licked his shoulder and scampered off, to her waiting family. Gray Tigre blinked slowly at him, eyes full of gratitude. "Thank you. Thunder, you are always welcome. And if you need help, we will assist." Thunder returned the favor." I think I will." And bounded off into the sunset.

Alleycats book 1: thunderstormWhere stories live. Discover now