chapter 18

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Storm followed Thorn as he trailed through the wreckage, following some unseen path, through the scattered

Shrubbery. His heart thumped. He was finally gonna see them again! But what if they didn't remember him, or they were older, or they didn't want to see him? He swallowed, pushing those thoughts away. Of course they would like him! It hadn't been that long. Though the more he padded through, the more he realized how long ago the battle of sunset had been. He tried not to think about it too much, for he had done a terrible thing in that battle. His mistakes haunted him and he feared he'd never be rid of the guilt that threatened to overwhelm him. His thoughts were forgotten, as they topped a small rise, to a green, rolling hill dotted with ferns and holly here and there. Where the kits are sheltering.

When he reached the bushes at the top of a hill. He was startled by a small wimper and he spotted a tiny, pink nose snuffle out, through the leaves. The blue-gray head of a kit nuzzled out and it's round, blue eyes lit up when he saw Storm. Blue!

"Oh!" Blue squeaked excitedly. "Blossom! Rose! It's Clawface! It's Clawface!" he purred, jumping onto Strom's back. A white she-kit bounced out, a single mottled spot of ginger and black in the center, and her sister. A gray and white kit. Rose and Blossom. He recognized the three kits intently. And so did the kits.

"Yay!" Blossum,cheered, throwing herself at Storm's paws, arching her back in a loud purr. "Clawface! Is it really you? Why are you here? Can you stay with us? Are you alright? Who's that?" she gestured at Amber. "Is she a stray?" they bombarded him with questions.

Storm couldn't hold back a purr. It was good to hear their tiny voices again. Meeting their gaze, he gently began answering the many questions.

"Yes, my name is Storm now." he dipped his head. Blue's eyes widened, as Storm continued.

"Me and my new gang have come to help you, i'm great, im better than fine! I stood up to Terror and created Dawngang!" he exclaimed with excitement at his achievments. " This is Amber." he explained, gesturing at the ginger and red she-cat. "She has joined my gang and some others too, she's not a stray anymore,"he paused. "She's my gang member." Amber blinked her golden eyes. " I-we, have come to keep you company." he finished with a sigh. I just answered all the questions!

Rose twitched her tiny tail. "Wow!" she squeaked. "You lead your own gang now?" Storm dipped his head. "That's right." he confirmed. "And your name is Storm! That's so cool!" Blue exclaimed.

Then, Storm asked. "Where's Branch?" The kit's faces fell. Storm felt hollow inside, panick rising. What had happened to Branch? He liked the clever oldest kit. He couldn't bare to think of anything happening to him.

The kits were silent for a moment, then."we don't know!" Rose wailed. Blossom joined."he disappeared during the flood!"

Shock slammed into him. Storm blood turned cold and he froze, cold as ice. No! Branch couldn't have drowned! He couldn't have!

No! The flood just washed him up somewhere and he's waiting for us! He has to be just lost, just lost...

The plea turned to a desperate whisper. "Just lost, just lost..." He repeated, willing it to be true.

They would need to send out a patrol and find him, before the young cat froze to death!

He turned to the kits. "I'll find him." He promised. "I'll bring him back." They ran in huddling in the mottled curve if their mother's belly, out of the cold, shivering.

Rose hung back, reluctant, he could see her tiny whiskers twitching and shivering in the breeze. Storm nudged her white form, towards the bushes with his gray, scarred nose.

Rose looked at him with sadness in her green eyes. She leaned to him to brush whiskers. "Please find him." She begged in a whisper, before turning around and going inside.

Storm dipped his head. "I will."

Amber caught up to him, eyes wide and troubled. "Are you finding him." She murmured. Storm nodded, willing her to understand. She hesitated. Storm met her brilliant golden gaze with his pale yellow eyes. She shook her fox-red mottled coat. "I'm coming with you."

Storm nodded. As he bounded down the slope towards Thorn to let him know. I don't need to sneak out anymore...

"Don't worry Branch!" He promised silently. "I'm coming!"

They zoomed down the rolling hills... Streaking in front of the bleeding sky as the fiery sun sank below the horizon slowly. They needed to rescue him from the frigid night! Hopefully he'd find his own shelter. He was smart like that. He turned to Amber and saw his own fears in her eyes. He pumped harder. I have to find him! Before its to late!

Alleycats book 1: thunderstormWhere stories live. Discover now