ix → a futile attempt

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(R/1)! Peter! (R/1)! Peter!

"Peter," Edmund says again.

"(R/1)." Peter mumbles, his eyes still closed as he lays beside his brother in his bed.

Edmund was woken up to the sound of his brother's voice. He had originally thought that someone else was in the room, but when he sat up to look he found that his brother was talking in his sleep. And he was saying (R/1)'s name.

"Peter." Edmund hits his brother on the chest.

"What?" Peter suddenly gasps, his head rising as he begins to wake up. "What is it?"

Peter glares at his younger brother when he realizes that it was he who woke him up.

"You were dreaming. You said (R/1)." Edmund explains.

"What?" Peter asks.

"You said (R/1)."

"I said (R/1)?"



"I swear." Edmund presses, "What were you dreaming about?"

There's a moment of silence as Peter's eyebrows twitch very slightly. He stares at his brother who is watching him intently, and he runs his hand through his hair.

"Nothing." Peter lies, "Nothing. Go back to sleep."

Peter turns over to rest his head on the pillow once more.

"It's morning." Edmund says.

Peter's shoulders stiffen and then he sits up, looking behind his brother towards the window and notices the sunlight streaming in. Edmund pays no attention to his brother's confused expression, but more so to what he finds on Peter's pillow. Edmund picks up the wildflower and holds it so that the two of them can see it.

"What's that?" Peter asks after a moment.

"It's a flower." Edmund says.

Suddenly Peter is pushing the sheets off of his body and he runs over to Edmund's door, swinging it open and looking down at the ground. Nothing is sitting in front of him until he remembers that he had put the book back at (R/1)'s door-- which was still his-- and he looks down the hallway to see it there where he had left it.


A little later in the morning when Peter had gotten his barrings, he ran out into the courtyard when he heard (R/2)'s voice. His siblings watched as he raced outside, never having seen Peter be that excited to see (R/2) before.

"(R/2)!" Peter shouts, "Look at you; you look wonderful!"

She smiles slightly but holds the same confused expression as the Pevensie siblings had before.

"Gorgeous, give me a hug," Peter says, wrapping his arms around her.

Now she couldn't help but laugh. Nevertheless, she hugs him back. 

"Peter, are you alright?" (R/2) asks, pulling back to look at him.

"Am I alright?" Peter asks, "Of course."

He leans forward and kisses (R/2) on the lips, moving her around slightly so that he is facing the doorway. This was because his eyes were still open and he was looking to see if (R/1) was watching them. When he fails to find her, he pulls back and brings (R/2) inside the castle. There he finds (R/1) waiting awkwardly by the door. She must have seen us.

"(R/1), this is (R/2)." Peter smiles, "(R/2), this is (R/1)."

(R/1) smiles slowly and greets (R/2) with a friendly handshake. (R/2) begins to talk to her, but (R/1) isn't focusing on what she is saying. Her thoughts are too busy on seeing Peter kiss her so passionately just before.

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