viii → midnight reading

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"What were you and (R/1) talking about?" Edmund asks, as his brother walks into his private room.

"Nothing," Peter says, tugging his vest open.

Edmund knows their conversation was not nothing. He couldn't hear all of what they had talked about, but he understood the mood it had left on. And as much as Edmund was worrying about how (R/1) is feeling, he was more focused on his brother's emotions right now.

"What did you say?" Edmund asks again.

"I set her straight." Peter sighs, climbing out of his trousers.

"What about?"

"What do you think?"

Peter throws his clothes over one of the chairs in his brother's room.

"What did she say?" Edmund asks.

"What could she say?" Peter shrugs.

"A lot of things."

"She didn't say anything." Peter climbs into his side of the bed, secretly hating that he's sleeping in the wedding present he originally gave to Edmund and (R/1). "Don't worry."

"That's easy for you to say."

"Goodnight, Edmund." Peter huffs, turning to face the opposite direction.

Edmund sighs and lies back down on his bed; grabbing the sheets and pulling the majority of them over his body.

"Goodnight, Peter."


It was getting later into the night and Peter hadn't shut his eyes once. His mind was swirling with thoughts about (R/1). About what they had told each other and what he had felt when they did. He's never opened up to someone about who he truly is. He's never had to before. The ones that truly know him are his siblings, and even Caspian. He was there during a tough period of Peter's life.

A lot had happened in Peter's life. How could his life be anything but filled with moments? He used to think about his future and how bleak it would be. How he would have to look after his family and get a job to provide for the people he cares about. But he stopped thinking of those things after he arrived in Narnia.

At first, he hadn't imagined life in this magical land as a permanent thing. But then he and his siblings had stayed. Peter was ready to face the reality of England, the thought of going back home and no longer being a King, but they never left.

Peter has always wondered why Aslan has let them stay for so long. Was there a reason why they were still in Narnia? Did Peter have a certain destiny that he was unfamiliar with? Was his destiny to marry (R/1)?

No. It's not. Peter can't even believe he had even entertained the idea. But it was fortunate timing that he had brought his attention away from his thoughts, as when he did he heard footsteps outside of Edmund's door. Peter listens intently as he hears the figure linger by the door and then retreat back down the hallway, entering a room and closing its door.

Peter's head rises up and he swings his feet off of the side of Edmund's bed. Then he walks over and opens the door, peeking his head outside to see who had come and gone. But he should have known already that it was (R/1). And if he still was having difficulty knowing who it was, then the book that lay at his feet gave him the answer.

It's the very same book that (R/1) had told him she had written their love story in. He bends down slowly and picks the book up in his hands. As he straightens up, he flips open the book to the first page. He can't exactly see in the dark, but he can make out the shape of a heart and writing scribbled underneath.

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