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He grabbed my elbow one day at the feed store and had the audacity to ask me what a clock was with a very serious face. His messy, blonde hair protruded from his straw hat he had on. He was tall and lanky, and he claimed his age was over thirty, but his youthful features seem to contradict him. I've never seen Zane without a white t-shirt and blue overalls on, even in church. Gray and black patches adorned the overalls, sewn on his knees, and backside.

"Sir, a clock? You're joking. I have to go back to-"

"Ain't teasin you, mam. I gotta know, my girlfriend says she wanted one for our anniversary..."

I stared right into his soul, something swam in his forest eyes, innocence, confusion, and something indistinguishable.

"Mr. Zoom, if this ain't a joke, then a clock is a thing we use to tell time. It goes clockwise -this way- and it has numbers from 1 through 12, the numbers say what time it is. Two sticks on it, the longer one is used to tell you the exact minute, while the other one is for the tell the hour. It's very simple and practical."

He rubbed his gloved hand over his chin and pretended like he understood my lecture, but gave me a shocked look. I turned away from him, but he touched my shoulder, lightly squeezed it to get my attention, this time panic was evident in his tone.

"Sorry miss, but could you know where I could buy one? Could you show me? I have to have one bad."

He looked at me liked a kicked puppy while his dark, green eyes shone at me.

"Okay, Mr. Zoom."

I sighed, defeatedly and shrugged. He followed me like a shadow, looming and quiet as we walked into the general store, then I found a certain isle, and pointed up at a dark stained, blood red, wooden clock.

"Here you go: a clock. It costs only four dollars."

He fumbled around in his pocket, only a few clanging coins could be heard. He blushed and asked me.

"Could you possibly purchase it, mam? I'll pay you back, please?"

I was feeling aggravated, I was already late for work. I tried to stay calm as I searched through my wallet.

"Yes sir, here is some money. Expect me comin to collect what you owe from you in a week or so."

I shoved a five dollar bill into his hands. He tipped his hat as I ran out, heading towards my job, I thought that it had to be a dream.

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