Chapter 3

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The clan was more empty now. I sighed, relieved. I didn't have the time nor the energy to deal with people. 

"Alright," I thought. "Time for the market."

All I had to do was stand still and listen to be able to hear my mom gossiping with other shoppers. 

"I bet she had a whole lot to say right now," I thought amusingly. 

 My grandma on the other hand would be much harder to find. Me and my grandma have never been close. In fact, I didn't even know why I called her grandma. Her son was Alatheo's and Lizzie's dad who died three years ago trying to protect an old woman from a gang. He didn't save the woman.

 My dad on the other hand died a drunk, obnoxious alcoholic shortly after my older sister died. 

The market was an old musty shop. If you looked in the corners of the market you would see mold and spots rodents chewed on. They didn't sell much either, in fact, most of the people that do come here only socialize. 

In The Dust Clan if you wanted decent food and non contaminated water you made exchange's with other clan members. The market just sold expired things and wasn't too keen on customers' health. Clan members bought from there anyways knowing the risks because for some it was their only choice.

The market owners were a couple in their mid thirties. The woman's name was Angie Waldush and her husband name was Greg Waldush. 

Both of them were assholes. Well, I guess everyone in The Dust Clan was an asshole.

I started grinding my teeth together as I approached the Angie at the desk.

Angie was missing most of her teeth and the ones she did have were rotting. Her hair was a blonde mess that went to her ears. Her eyes were a brown that could easily be mistaken for black.  

"Have you seen my mom and grandma anywhere by chance?" I asked sincerely as I was capable. 

Angie gave a disgusting grin.  

"Heard ya name in The Calling. Sucks for y'all," She said happily.

"Do you know where my mom and grandma are?" I asked again in a strained voice.  

"I think her and ya ma are in da break room," She said annoyed.

"Thanks," I said ungratefully. 

I quickly walked in the break room so I wouldn't be stuck in another conversation. I already heard my mom's voice before I walked in. 

It was just a plain old room with a bunch of chairs set up. The white paint that use to cover the walls was currently a light brown.

I shuddered and tried to avoid touching the wall at all costs.

My mom was sitting in a middle of a group of women. My grandma was sitting on the sidelines observing the conversations. 

"I was in such disbelief when I heard my daughters name," She said frantically. "Oooooo my heart!" She said, draping her arm across her face dramatically. 

I rolled my eyes and approached.

"Alright, time to activate my bullshit mood." I thought.

"Hey mom," I said cheerfully. "Could we speak in private?" I said enthusiastically.

My mom had dark blonde hair that went to her shoulders. Her eyes always seem to gleam an emerald green that matched her thin eyebrows. Her lips were so thin to where if she smiled they disappeared. 

She furrowed her eyebrows and said "Sure thing." and began getting up slowly. "Would ladies give me a moment." She said apologetically.

My grandma watched cautiously as me and my mom stepped out of the break room.

"It just had to be your name, huh," she said irritably. "First your father destroyed my life and now you? I hope you know you just sentenced your whole family to their death," She said shouting. 

"You think I wanted to get picked?" I said madly. "Why the fuck would I want them to call my name?" I shouted. "You don't think I haven't considered what's going to happen hmm?" I sure as hell can tell you one thing we are screwed," My body began shaking with anger followed by eyes filling with warm liquid. "So what you're just going to start blaming for something that's not my fault. I would do anything for them to to just take me," Tears began slowly running down my cheeks. I looked down at the ground and tried to control breathing. 

My mom stared at me so coldly I could feel it and said "You are just like your father you know that don't you. Always making everything about you. Stop your damn crying it makes you weak," she said emotionless. I'll see you and your siblings when we leave." 

"Mom please," I said, barely audible. 

But she already had her back turn to me and began walking to the break room.

Hot liquid was now streaming down my face like a waterfall. I slowly walked to the back of the store and got down to the ground in a crouch position an leaned against the wall. I silently let the tears fall down my face. I let my worries and fears run down my cheeks. I let the anger at myself fill my eyes. 

After about three minutes I stood up and began wiping the tears away. I ran my hands over my hair fixing any messiness. 

"One two three one two three one two three one two three." I thought, trying to clear my mind.

After gaining control over myself, I began to walk out of the market.

"You okay there Missy?" Greg said approaching from the bathroom.

 Greg's teeth were the same as his wife. His hair was brown like mud. He regularly trimmed it. His mustache was thick and long and covered the majority of his mouth. His eyes were a dark brown.   

"Perfectly fine, I just dropped something on the ground," I said with a smile.

"Alright, you take care now okay," He said concerned.

"Will do Mr. Waldush," I said appreciatively.  

I walked as quickly as I could out of the market.

"Now what?" I thought.

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