Chapter 6

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I let my hands slide against the wooden walls as we made our way to the back room. The wood, mostly felt smooth, but every now and then a bump would surprise me. 

Dario's approached the door and opened it. 

The back room was mostly used for training and holding all the weapons Dario's gang owned. The floor was covered in old ripped up mats that used to protect you if you fell. The walls were covered in bullet holes or any type of weapon markings. I was shocked the walls didn't collapse from all the damage over the years. On the back wall of the room was where all the weapons were hung up waiting to be used. The rest of the room was used for training. The room was around the size of another house. Gang members added more space when needed in cabin for new recruits. 

In the middle of the room, Lizzie and Alatheo were practicing using their new gifts from Dario's. Alatheo had a little sling shot that he barely had enough strength to send something flying. He was aimlessly aiming at objects in the room. Lizzie wore a belt with two double edged knives strapped to it. Currently in her hand, she had a pair of fighting sticks. I watched as she balanced them between her hand. 

"Holy shit what has the world come to when a four year old has a sling shot and a ten year old looks like a ninja" I thought. 

"They look good don't they," Dario's replied, smiling proudly at them. 

"I'll admit you did pretty well," I said as watched Lizzie attempt to flip one of her sticks and fail miserably. 

"Should I show you what I have for you," He said with a gleam in his eye. 

"Shit," I thought nervously.

He turned his back to me and began going through a metal shelf filled with boxes by the door. 

"I think you are really going to like this," He chuckled softly. Even with his back turned I could feel his smile. 

He pulled out a box and set it on a table in front of me.

"Alrighty, let me show what I gathered for you," He said as he began to open the box, pulling it closer to him so I couldn't see the contents within. 

"First, I'll show you something I know you'll love," He spoke as he pulled out a sports bra.


He smiled and said "Let me finish showing you it," as he began to turn it around in an circle. 

The left the side of the bra was a gun holder while the right side could hold an ammo clip. 

"Damn" I thought.   

"Not so bad is it now," He said as began to toss it in the air. "Let's see what I want to show you next," as he began to rummage through the items. 

Next he pulled at a belt similar to Lizzie's. The back of the belt had a pocket to hold a handgun while two sides could hold a pair of knives and another ammo clip. 

"It gets better" He said as he began to stretch it. "The material is super duper comfortable, so it won't irritate your skin," He said as he began to fling across the table at me. 

I caught it instinctively and ran my hands over it.

"Holy shit, it's so soft" I thought. 

"Admit it, you like it," He said grinning. "Let see what else I have for you," He said as he stared at my old torn up combat boots. 

He quickly stuck his hands in the box and pulled out a somewhat new pair of combat boots.

"It can also hold knives," He said as began to show me the inner side of the boots. "They've only been used a couple times since the owner died,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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