Author's Note

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Update: Book Two is out! For those who want to read, check out my profile.

Update: This story is complete! Don't forget to vote for this story and read all the parts! It is highly appreciated.

Update: My story got in to the FINAL ROUND! So excited! 😍😍😍

This entry qualified for the SECOND ROUND of the Open Novella Contest 2. I feel so proud!

Hi guys. I'm danastj123 and this is my first story. First off, thank you for taking time to read my story. I really hope that it would live up to your expectations.

Don't forget to vote and comment for the story. They are very helpful to me. Follow me for updates on this story (and more stories to come, I guess.)

By the way, this is an entry for the Open Novella Contest 2: Speculative Fiction Prompt #4 (Building Paradise) [This is my first competition.]


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