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Andy's pov
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you,"
Is all I said. "Try us." I got really nervous. "ItsRyanpleasedon'tkillme." They stared at me eyes wide with shock. "Ryan, as in Ryan Beaumont, your bully?" Brook questioned. "...maybe," it sounded more like a question then an answer. I winced. "I really don't know what to say. On one hand I'm happy for you and the other imma boutta kill myself because my brain is racking with question after question." Jack stated with a chuckle. "So... your not mad?" "Why would we be mad? Wait, unless he forced himself on you! I SWEAR TO GOD IF HE DID I WILL KILL HIM!" Brook yelled. "Brook, chill, he didn't." "So then what happened?" Jack asked. "Let's save that story for when we get home."

(They are now at Andy's house sitting around Andy after he told them everything, everything.  Not about Mikey and Harvey though, that would be way too much of a bitchy move for Andy.)

"So, what did he slip in your skirt?" Jack asked. "I haven't checked yet." I pulled out a piece of paper that read;
Call me 4*******. I looked at it and smirked to myself. All of a sudden Jack yanked it out of my hand and shrieked so loud i had to cover my ears, as Brook did too. "Jesus Jack, what is wrong with you?" Brook questioned and I nodded my head in agreement.

Brook took a peek at the paper and smirked. And then said , "Looks like Andy has a fuck buddy," he said poking at me. "Fuck off Wyatt!" I yelled, while throwing a pillow at him. Jack gasped. "You should totally have a party and invite him!" He said bouncing up and down, giggling like a school girl. "I don't want anyone knowing where i live." "Well nobody has to know it's your place," Jack said slyly. "Oh hell to the no." "What the fuck are you two talking about?" Brook asked completely unaware. "He wants to have,ugh, a masquerade party," i said sighing. "Well i mean, why not Andy." Jack asked. "I mean, I guess so....." "YES! YES! YES!" Jack squealed. "Who are we going to invite then?" Brook asked. "Well obviously Ryan." Jack stated. "Well we obviously need more people." Brook stated. "What about just inviting the whole school?" I suggested. "How?" They asked in sync. "We can Airdrop invites during lunch on Monday and hang up posters." "Yeah thats sounds good." Brook said, Jack nodded in agreement. "When you two get home start making posters for SATURDAY. You know my parents go out this weekend. So text me early in the morning on Monday, so I can help put up posters, " I told them both and they left.
I then drifted off into dreamland.

(Time skip to Monday, because you know imma lazy ass bitch)

I woke up to my phone pinging.
We r heading to ur place to pick u up.
Be ready !



I quickly got up and put on ~

With black converse, of course

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With black converse, of course.
Brook texted me and told me him and Jack were here. I quickly ran downstairs and through my huge ass house to get outside. I got in the back with Jack. Realizing our other friend Melanie was in the car. ( Yes, i am using Melanie Martinez.)

(Fyi that is NOT what she is wearing to school, you (lovely) fuckers) 🖕She is like my only other friend besides Brook and Jack

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(Fyi that is NOT what she is wearing to school, you (lovely) fuckers) 🖕
She is like my only other friend besides Brook and Jack. She is very recognizable with our school. Not because of her hair, makeup or tattoos , but because of her music. She loves writing and singing songs. She released an album on YouTube and it blew up. Now everyone in our school knows her. She really doesn't like the attention. But that's understandable. So she avoids as much people as possible, well, except us. We knew her before her music came to notice. So we kinda just stuck together.

"So are you gonna help us today Mel?" I question her. "Well of course ya idiot," she teased. We drove to school, with the sun coming up.  We pulled up and parked. We got out all of the posters.
When we were done with the outside of the school we went inside and hung up the rest of the posters inside all of the halls. When we were done we waited until the first people came. I immediately noticed the first people , and of course, it was Ryan with his little gang. He walked in front of us and gave me a very quick wink, one that I only noticed. I smirked to myself and looked back to my friends, who got on the subject of what they were going to wear at the party. But of course in hushed tones.
When it was finally lunch, Melanie Airdropped invites, so it wouldn't look that suspicious. When she was done we got on the topic of food for the party. We decided cool and exotic food and drinks kinda like

(For food just imagine sweet things and just other exotic looking drinks 🍹) ~ School was finally done and Jack drove everyone home

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(For food just imagine sweet things and just other exotic looking drinks 🍹)
School was finally done and Jack drove everyone home.
When I entered my house i went straight to my room and flopped on the bed. Then a thought came into my mind. I got up, got my phone, and added a new contact.

Me :
Hey . . .


Wow 😂

Uh yea, so you hear about
that party?

Yea, are you going?

Only if you're going bby boy

Real charming , but yea, I'm going

Good, ttyl
bby boy


I let the nickname wonder through my mind. 
Baby boy
Is it because I'm short?
Have a baby face? 
A quick knock on my bedroom door interrupted my thoughts. "Come in."
My mum entered my room. "Yes mum?"  
"You have a, uh, guest."

Nigga wonder who it could be. Anyway if you read my story i have Tik Tok now and i would love it if you will follow me, if u follow me i WILL follow you, if i dont, unfollow me. My user is @keridikinson05s . So plz, plz, follow me. I love you all.

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