slumber party time

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Izzy,Alec,Simon,jace,Raphael,Camille and Clary were walking down a hallway when Magnus comes
Umm hey guy do you want to come to a slumber today?
Everyone says yes

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At the slumber party

Clary p.o.v
As I walk to magnuses I bump into Alec and I say  hey Alec he replies by saying oh hey emotionlessly I notice and say
You okay Alec ?    You really want to know Clary . He says   of course I do Alec I replie he then suddenly turns around and kisses me it feels so good but I have jace I instinctively kiss back we split up the kiss and see magnuses jaw dropped I quickly say I can explain this  Magnus then whispers no I get it .. forbidden love  now get inside before jace sees!

Once we all got there we're playing truth or dare ok me first ...truth or dare Clary  Izzy says umm...truth  I replied wimp ..
Ok you ever liked someone  even though your in a relationship  Izzy says well ..

What will Clary say ? Find out next on that girl

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