truth or dare?

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Clary p.o.v

Well ..umm.. yes I whisper making Alec's eyes light up  what was that Clary? Izzy asked YESS  I said yes I yell WHAT jace

yells as he was about to slap me when Alec steps in and kicks jace in the balls wtf jace says ya know one good thing about

what just happened is that you felt the damn pain jace added let's resume this game Alec says as he cuts his hand  I

  quickly stand up and lead him away from the group

why did you cut yourself ? I ask as I lift up his shirt and draw a arazte rune Alec  then replies by saying Every time your in danger I do it we should go back to the group 

Back at the group
Ok Alec truth or dare ? I ask dare he replies ok I dare you to sing a dirty song to someone and they have to sing one

Back  I say ok Clary get up  I'll go first  he says

(Alec's song)

Wow ok my turn I say

(Clary sage song)

Next chapter will be out soon bye

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