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Taehyung lays sprawled out, bored on his bed, the sunlight creeping up on him as it rises in the early morning. He is re-watching the moment when Jungkook broke the nation, admitting to being deaf, and then having a full interview, with Taehyung translating; on the small screen of his phone. The two have been talking frequently lately, but Jungkook currently isn't replying, as he has to go grocery shopping and also help out at another homeless shelter, which Taehyung understands. But he also wishes that, Jungkook could continue you talking to him; and he knows it's selfish, but the younger just has a way about him. Taehyung can't put his finger on it, but there is just something with the little bunny and whatever it is, Taehyung can feel an undeniable pull toward him.

Just got back home :)

Find what you want?

But they didn't have those Spanish black olives
They're the best
And they didn't have them

I think we have some here
Jin Hyung likes them a lot
So he always buys like the entire stock



When I've finished at the homeless shelter
I'm coming over
And I'm stealing all your olives

I'd love you too
But you'd probably have to fight Jin Hyung on that one
He doesn't play around with his olives

I was just joking lmao
Unless I can

Everyone does love you
I don't think they'd mind


Plus I'm really bored
So like you could come over
We'd only have a problem
If you steal Jin Hyung's olives

We might have a problem in that case
Anyway, text my your address
I'll come over after I finish my volunteer work :)


Taehyung gets an 'I'm outside,' text about two hours later; surprisingly enough, the elder is still yet to move from the same position, he has been in for the past two hours. The thing is, Taehyung is extremely good at convincing himself, and he somehow managed to convince himself, to not get up an do any work. Something about that he can just 'do it later,' he knows better than anyone, he probably won't.

The elder finally gets up off his king sized bed, his entire back, giving a satisfying crack, he can feel each vertebrae popping individually, from his lack of movement. Taehyung shakes the last of his doze from his bones, before getting up to let a small bunny inside, - even if Jungkook is about the same height as Taehyung, the elder will still call him small, just because of the appearance and vibe he gives off.

Taehyung opens the door to his dorm, and sure enough, Jungkook is standing outside, looking like a blessing, sent down from the heavens. Today, Jungkook looks so soft, Taehyung thinks that if he were to touch him, Jungkook might actually be moldable. He is wearing an oversize baby blue hoodie, which accentuates his collarbones; perfectly fitted, black ripped jeans, which show off his legs in all the best ways possible. His soft, caramel coloured skin, glows in the late afternoon sun; Taehyung only wishes he would be able to mark the beautiful skin, how an artist would with paints and a blank canvas. But he knows his wish will never come true, as when you look this good, there's no way you're still single.

Jungkook steps into the household, marveling at the modern decor, "your house is beautiful," the younger signs, still looking around at everything.

"TAEHYUNG? WHO IS HERE?" Seokjin screams from another room.

Taehyung chooses not to answer, mostly because he isn't listening, but also because he doesn't feel like it. The way Jungkook looks around at everything, like a child at a theme park for the first time, makes Taehyung's heart clench ever so slightly. "Shall we go say hello, to the other members?" Taehyung suggests, after regaining Jungkook's attention, who gives an assertive nod.

The elder leads Jungkook through the large house, into the living room, where most of the yelling and empty death threats can be heard. Hoseok and Jimin are going head to head in a video game that, is actually Taehyung's, but Jimin stole it from him, when he put the cups on the top shelf. And Yoongi is sitting in a chair by himself, just scrolling through his phone, completely disjointed from reality.

Seokjin barges through into the room, on his way to beat Taehyung with a dishcloth, for not answering him but, stops when he lays eyes on the soft bunny; whom is still looking around the large house, a glint of curiosity ringing throughout his eyes.

"Oh! Jungkook!" Seokjin greets, gaining everyone's attention in the room, as the eldest walks over, giving the bunny a hug. Jungkook gladly returns the hug, his warm embrace wrapping around Seokjin.

"You didn't tell me you were coming over," Seokjin mentions, in an attempt to make small talk with his favourite YouTuber. Jungkook, sporting his bad lipreading, caught approximately zero words, of what Seokjin had said.

"I'm sorry, you're going to have to speak slower. I cannot lip read well," Jungkook giggles awkwardly, caressing the back of his neck, like what he always does when he's nervous.

"Taehyung, be a darl' and translate," Seokjin asks, an overly sweet smile planted on his face that, if anything, makes Seokjin look more like a demonic character from a horror film, rather than the eldest of BTS.

"Seokjin is being a lil' bitch, and I think he is about to hit me with that dishcloth, but don't tell I said that. Anyway, he basically said he didn't expect you to come over," Taehyung translates, reveling in how he talk about his hyungs, while they're right in front of him.

"Oh... Right..." Jungkook replies, slightly confused by what Taehyung just signed to him, "yeah, Taehyung just invited me over."

"Oh, well you're always welcome here," Seokjin says, giving Taehyung one last deadly glare, still salty about the younger for not answering him.

Hoseok scrambles to his feet, flinging himself at full force toward the bunny, like how a stone flies after being launched from a slingshot. "Aegyo~, you're so cute, can I just keep you in my pocket all the time?" Hoseok goes on to babble about how cute Jungkook is, while simultaneously strangling said bunny, whom has been blessed enough to not have to hear all of Hoseok's rants.

"Hoseok, first, you're strangling him, second, remember Jungkook can't actually hear, so save your babbling, and finally, no, I'm not translating you and your incoherent words," Taehyung scolds, prying Jungkook away from the over excited male.

"I'm sorry, it's just Jungkook is so cute. But I won't keep you two from hooking up, just don't be too loud," Hoseok snickers, skipping back off to Jimin.

Jungkook is about to ask why Taehyung is beet red, when the elder just softly grabs his hand, pulling the younger away to his room.




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