1 ~ Get the fu** off my diary"

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Hey I'm sam and if your reading this, I'm dead (or I'm Going to kill you for reading it) I'm a girl who enjoys music and nature (yhyh i guess it is a bit boring now fu** off) I go to west wood public high school, I'm fostered (purely because of my behaviour issues) I'm mostly put in a new home every few months (it's sh*t) but never out of the green hill estate (ha I fucking wish they would just take me away from this fu**ing place)

let's just say I'm not the most popular girl at school (because I'm a "freak show"), I have a few friends (people who put up with my bull sh*t) like Hunter, lottie, sky and Jay but Jay doesn't go to my school. But at school I'm known as the lesbian emo kid (I'm not I just have short hair and dress like a guy and what's wrong with lesbians anyways it's not an insult because I'm bi)

my best friend doesn't go to my school but she knows the real me (a bit too well) her name is Kat, or at least that's what I call her, (which to be honest is kind of ironic because I hate cats) I have a secret that only she knows, she is the only person (cat hybrid thing) that knows that. I may hate cats but I have one (Kat, if your reading this GET THE FU*K OFF MY DIARY, I LOVE YOU GO DRINK SOME MILK OR DO SOMETHING A CAT WOULD DO LIKE SH*T ON MY MUMS FLOOR)

My foster family doesn't know this of course but we all have our secrets (I'm totally not a secretive person that keeps to myself). Kat is her real name but my family know her as Coroline (I'm used to her being called both to be honest) she spends most of her time in a feline form (except when we're alone or with jay) but she isn't my only secret, let's just say I'm a bit like her, just a bit more on the... wild side (try more on the wolf side)

Im a werewolf, to be honest I'm surprised no one has noticed the scares from where my tale grows or my fu**ed up knuckles, my hair being thicker, the fact I chew my nails because they get way to long or the fact I can smell trouble from a mile away (I mean it's totally not the reason I'm the fastest girl in my year or the fact I eat a sh*t ton and don't put on any weight)

Everyone assumes the scares are because I'm abused at home (im not but i don't really care) the whispers I hear in the hall ways or in the dinner Que or even the changing rooms dont bother me (then again i just don't give a sh*t about anything, other than kat) i guess im just used to it now. (And yeah I know, it's not a good thing and I don't care)

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