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Chapter 3

Since lunch ended, Megamo Saikou has been in a foul mood. It was so bad, that all of his classmates can feel it and as well as the teachers, who would not call on him to come to the chalkboard to write down the answer.

The moment the final bell rang, nearly the whole classroom let out a breath of relief before they pack up so they can leave. Megamo however still sat in his seat and brood over the fact that a pesky schoolgirl, came towards HIS childhood friend/crush. Megamo paused over the the single thought of him putting a claim over Ayato.

With Megamo having his student council duties, he got out of his seat and packed away his belongings in his bag, then he left his his empty classroom as he makes his way to the student council room as other students are walking by him as they can tell Megamo is not in the mood to deal with anyone. When Megamo arrived at the student council room, he was thankful it was empty, so he took his seat that faces the windows and opens up his laptop. He types in his password and logs in Akademi High School to begin looking for any information he can find on the female student from Ayato's class, who have him a gift bag.
Megamo goes into classroom 2-1 and past the homeroom teacher's names it moves to the names for all 30 students in this class. Luckily for Megamo; everyone's photo from their student/teacher ID.

The students in class 2-1 were organized by their seat number. And after a bit of searching, Megamo found the the schoolgirl's information. Megamo discovered that the schoolgirl's name is Koharu Hinata, she is not in any clubs but she does spend her time in the calligraphy classroom when not in class or lunch. She is sometimes seen with her best friend, Yuna Hina who is in classroom 2-4. 
Megamo looked through the photos from the year before during the sports festival and culture festival, and in nearly every photo that had Ayato and Koharu in them, it showed as clear as day, that Koharu was being a little too nice to him. Megamo was close to snapping, and decided then and there that Koharu Hinata needs to go.

Looking at the time, Megamo notice that only 15 minutes had passed since he came into the student council room. Megamo looks at his phone to see that Ayato texted him, saying he will be in the library to complete a book report for his third period class.
Megamo saw the time and he has a few minutes before he leaves to meet with his childhood friend. Megamo was calmed down to focus back on his work he needs to finish. But he kept getting distracted by the occasional thought he gets when he imagined Koharu getting close with Ayato. And every thought Megamo has, makes him more angry of the thought that "Green Hair Tramp" as the nickname he has picked out for Koharu. Megamo was surprised when his own thoughts of threatening the girl's life, doesn't disgust him, in the slightest. He just wants her away from Ayato's life once and for all.

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