The First Kill

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Chapter 4

In the end, Megamo Saikou wasn't able to concentrate to get his work done as he kept thinking about what Ayato Aishi actually going out, then dating or even marrying Koharu Hinata was about to make his head explode. That was until he saw on his laptop, was somewhere in the hallway; there was Koharu Hinata talking to another female student with blue hair in a bun. "Yes, Mio-senpai, I did your advice and gave it to Aishi-kun! I really appreciate the advice, to getting him to be mine!" With that, the two girls giggles where heard through the computer and that was all it took for Megamo to snap. His eyes went blank as his body went on auto pilot, and he shut his laptop and opens one of the draws to his desk where he pulled out a letter opener knife, closed the drawer and then he placed the knife in his right blazer pocket.
He stood back up and moved towards the door to slide the door open to leave when he is treated by two members of the student council; Kuroko Kamenaga and Akane Toriyasu. Unlike the rest of the female students of Akademi High; the student council members uniforms are different: as Megamo is currently the only male student council member his uniform is a white button up dress shirt, white blazer with red trim and gold buttons, red necktie and white slacks he also has the red armband of leadership in his left arm and the indoor shoes he wears are red and white indoor shoes.

The other student council members are all female, and their uniforms are the same as Megamo except they wear a white skirt with red trim and red bowties.
Kuroko Kamenaga is the vice president of the student council, she has long coal black hair that reaches her upper back, pale tan skin, dark grey eyes, black half-frame glasses that have a chain on them and sheer brown stockings, with a slim build and her arms always folded behind her back as she walks the classroom halls of the school. Akane Toriyasu is the secretary of the student council, she has long scarlet hair tied into a ponytail at the front. She also has two orange feathers behind her left ear, she wears a see-through lace garter belt. She has thin eyes, and if they are opened, they are orange, she has a curvy figure.

"Ah, Megamo-sama is something the matter? You don't look so good." Akane asked in a concerned tone as she noticed his pale face. Megamo gives both girls a small smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Thank you for the concern, Akane-san. I just need to grab some headache medicine from the infirmary. I will be back in a shot amount of time."  And with that, Megamo turns and calmly walks down the hallway and heads down the stairs when his eyes land on the " Green Hair Tramp"  walking down the hallway towards the bathrooms, and luckily nobody else was in the hallway since it was after school hours and most of the student body has gone home as what's left are either in their clubs on the other side of the building or are studying in the school library or having a study date in their classrooms.

Megamo takes a quick look around before he silently follows after Koharu Hinata into the girls bathroom. Speaking inside, he heard saw Koharu open one of the stall doors and he took his chance to come up behind the girl before she can close the door, grabs one of her pigtails and smashed her face into the wall. She gasped out in pain and shock, but before she can scream for help, Megamo grabs the letter opener from his pocket and slit her throat as she faced away from him.

Megamo watches the girl bleed out as she placed her hand to get throat, and tried to move but it was useless as she had bled to death and with no emotion in his eyes, Megamo drops her corpse, and leaves the stall to approach the mirror to take a look at himself in the mirror to see if he has any blood on his uniform. And is thankful that he uniform is completely free of any blood, even the bottom of his shoes and his gloves are free of blood.
The letter opener has some blood on it, so he cleans it in the sink till all the blood is off and cleans the blade with his handkerchief before he said the blade in his blazer pocket, and a quick peak out in the hallway to see if anyone was around; down the hallway he saw a girl from the gardening club water the pots of flowers by the stairs before she walks down the hallway where the shoe lockers are located.

Megamo slips out of the girls bathroom and calmly walks down the hallway, up the stairs and back to the student council room where the rest of the members have arrived and are drinking tea. "Sorry to keep you waiting. Anyway let's get down to business, today."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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