Episode 26

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''We are back, with the two richest guys in South Korea. With their big company, and a project that was successfully finished, yesterday. We have Kim Namjoon and Kim SeokJin on the set everyone.'' The host, announces. 

Namjoon and Jin simply smile at the live cameras. 

''We are amazed to have you here.'' 

''We are as equally amazed to be here.'' Jin responds. 

''Let's get into it then.'' She looks down at her desk which had the papers all aligned out.

''The project your company has been working on, was officially over yesterday, with both of your signatures on the confirmation papers.'' She smiles. 

''Yes. We are glad to announce that.'' 

''How was it? Was it easy to get everyone on board?'' She asks. 

''Well, it wasn't easy to come to a concluding benefit point. But eventually, we all agreed that every brand that sings with us should receive that 10% benefit.'' Jin explains.

''10% isn't a lot, some might say?''

''No, actually it isn't. But the way things are is any Westernize brand, automatically receive 10%, if they sign with any foreign companies to sponsor them.'' Namjoon clears up. 

''Our economy has been dropping hard. Do you think this will help bring more money into the country?'' 

''Well, that is what the project was about. Get more brands here. Sign without company, and that money will be donated to any economic infrastructure.'' Jin explains. 

''Amazing. Truly amazing. You heard that everyone, we are on our way to a better economy thanks to these two men right here.'' She smiles. ''All this business talk, but let's get down to questions the public is dying to know about.''

''I'm sure the public knows a lot about us.'' Namjoon says. 

''True. But, as two big-time business owners, you two are at an age for settlement. Jin you're turning 26, and Namjoon you just turned 24 weeks ago.'' She explains, and both nods at her words. ''The public wants to know, is there anyone special in your lives.'' She finishes. 

''Ha!'' Namjon laughs and looks at Jin who returns the same look. ''Um... Yeah actually. I am seeing someone.'' He smiles, at the thought of, Jin being that someone and it's a kept secret from the public. 

''Oh!'' She smiles, ''And what about you Jin?'' 

''It's fair to say, I'm also seeing someone.'' He smiles. 

''Can we get names or a hint as who it is. Does the public know them?''

''No, no names, but all I will say is that the public knows them very well,'' Namjoon says. 

''You heard it here first. Namjoon and Jin have just told us that they are seeing someone. Who could it be?'' She finishes her segment, with the two and after they leave, and go back to their hotel room.


"Things are going great." Jin smiles, as he removes his shirt.

"They are." Namjoon hugs him from behind.

"You surprised me earlier." Jin says.

"I did? With what?" He asks, kissing his bare shoulders.

"When she asks if we were seeing anybody, you said yes." He responds. "And I no choice but to follow up with what you said." Jin explains.

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