Retail Therapy

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Dear Mr. Scamander,

I want to say thank you for lots of things, but right now, I'll say thank you for taking me out of Hogwarts. Now, I won't have to face bullies and jerks at every turn.




The next morning, I awoke early. I hadn't done that in I dunno how long. I changed, and actually ate something other than Pumpkin Pasties. After that, I went into the case and played with the bowtruckles. I only do that when Pickett isn't around. He gets anxiety from the other bowtruckles.

Leaving the case, I decided to watch the news. I just felt compelled to know what was happening when I only knew wizard news for so long. I guess that's what being a half-blood means.

I turned it on, and news was already.

"-investigators have found the woman to be Helen Mooresfield, whose husband died years ago, and daughter went missing. Suspects say they saw the woman holding something. They are strilling whether this was murder or a suicide-"

I turned off the TV, slowly turning around. My face was in utter shock.

 My face was in utter shock

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I saw Mr. Scamander look at me from table. I could read the emotion on his face : guilt.

"Did you know about this?" I asked, my voice breaking

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"Did you know about this?" I asked, my voice breaking.

Mr. Scamander looked down at his lap. My face turned red with anger.

"So you did know!" I screamed. 

I began to feel angrier and angrier. Everything seemed to blur, but I heard something shatter.

The bowls in the sink were broken.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" I yelled over and over. 

I was terrified, pissed, angry, scared, etc. I wanted to scream and cry and yell and thrash and curl up in a ball and stay like that forever.

I fell to the floor, crying. I was truly an orphan now.

I stayed on the floor for what seemed like ages. I could feel someone rubbing my back while I cried, and a small insect thing on my head. 

"I just wish I got to meet her," I said, my voice shaky.

"She seemed wonderful," Mr. Scamander said.

He sounded like he's been crying too. Mr. Scamander helped me stand up and I sniffled once more.

"I was the same way when Tina died. I had known for a few months, but it still felt like too short of a time. I wish I had gotten to meet her sooner," Mr. Scamander said.

After more crying, Mr. Scamander and I agreed we should do something fun.

"Ice cream?" I suggested.

The idea of a hot fudge sundae sounded so good right now. What can I say, nothing cures sadness like fudge.

"I have an even better idea!" Mr. Scamander said.

"Clothes shopping?" I asked as we walked into the No-Maj mall.

"Yep," he said, smiling down at me. Damn, I hated being so short (I'm actually pretty tall).

"Do you have an No-Maj money?" I asked.

He patted his pocket. I gave him a questioning look. 

"Did you rob a bank or something?" I asked.

"No. I just know a lot of people."

We entered the teenage girl sections. I instantly saw a pair of overalls that I loved.

"You can get them, I've got plenty of money," Mr. Scamander said.

I grabbed the overalls. I got a few more shirts (and also some sweaters because all I owned were crop tops and t-shirts), some jeans, and a red and blue striped dress. What can I say, red and blue made a sexy combination.

We paid for our things and left.

"I was wondering if I could see my Aunt Cindy," I asked as we left the store.

"I'm sure we can do that," Mr. Scamander said.

I fist-bumped the air.

This day had sucked at the beginning, but I couldn't deny the ending was great.

Dear Mr. ScamanderWhere stories live. Discover now