Summer starts again

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A/N: So, this chapter is inspired by two real-life experiences I've had recently. It wasn't hard to picture somebody getting sunburned in the hot Australian sun when we have a heat wave right now (the second one this summer). It was 36 degrees in the shade today. I nearly cried when I had to pop outside.

Anyways, as always, I hope you enjoy the chapter and of course, let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions :)

The summer sun peered across the horizon, glistening in the Pacific, and cast its golden rays across the long stretch of sand that was Bondi Beach. The beach was still empty safe for the occasional jogger or dog owner, but it wouldn't stay like that for long. By mid-morning, it would be filled with people and by three o'clock in the afternoon, it would be absolutely packed.

But for now, most people were still content to lie in bed. School children and a large number of parents enjoyed sleeping late on the first day of the summer holidays. Tourists from far and wide usually wanted to eat breakfast before going out to experience the sights and marvels of Bondi and the surrounding area. The general populace just wasn't out and about this early, the average worker only just getting ready to leave the house.

In the lifeguard tower, however, the workday had already begun. The Waverly Council lifeguards who were responsible for the beaches of Bondi, Tamarama and Bronte, started arriving and setting up for one of the first busy days of the season.

They greeted each other cheerfully, chatted as they got ready in the locker room and checked the surf charts and weather reports when they entered the tower. The atmosphere was relaxed and easy-going as most of the men had known and worked with each other for years and got along like a house on fire.

The same was partially true for the only girl on the team. Seventeen-year-old Melanie Finnegan had joined the lifeguard service as a trainee the year before and had become a full-fledged lifeguard at the start of the season, fulfilling a lifelong dream. Over the course of her traineeship, the teenager had grown a lot, losing some of her shyness and insecurity and earning the respect and friendship of her coworkers.

"Good morning!", the brunette called as she walked in, already in uniform, Apola bumbag slung over her shoulder. She received a chorus of "Morning Mellie!" in return.

"Alright, Mellie? How was your weekend off?", Azza Graham asked, giving her a smile when she came to deposit her water bottle on the counter.

She smiled back. "Pretty good, thanks. And yours?"

They talked about their weekend activities as they grabbed a walkie-talkie each and headed down into the tunnel to start setting up the beach.

"I drove a car for the first time", Melanie recounted, packing sand around the flagpole to make sure it stayed upright.

"Oh yeah? How'd it go?"

Red spread on her cheeks and she shrugged, studiously avoiding his eyes. Azza, by now accustomed to her shyness and occasional bouts of insecurity, didn't take offense.

"It was alright, I s'pose. Car's still in one piece and I didn't hit anyone or anything."

"Sounds to me like you did well", he said, smiling when her eyes came up to meet his.

Her smile was bashful and unsure, but it was there.


With the sun rising and mid-morning inching closer, the beach began to fill. So far, the crowd was manageable and not too hectic. But Melanie knew that this would change soon. Stationed at North Bondi, she had one eye on the ocean and one on the beach. There was a small rip running along the rocks that warranted close monitoring, but the surf was small and the swell gentle.

Life doesn't wait - A Bondi Rescue StoryWhere stories live. Discover now