1 Month Later

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1 Month Later.....

Dylan's Pov

It's been 1 month since Harry ask me to be his girlfriend. I don't know what to say? It's been hard then easy if it was easy we would be acting like a regular couple, but we're not and that's the hard part it seems like every week for the last month he seems to be getting weaker and weaker. He keeps telling me it's going to slow down in time. It shouldn't be coming this fast in the first place. It should be - Wait no. It shouldn't be coming at all! He shouldn't have to die, but still I can't do anything about it. I want to help and do something, but he won't let me. "Dylan!" Mom yelled for me. I was trying to text Harry to see if he would answer, but something that always happens.... Nothing. "Dylan!" Mom yelled for me again. "Coming" I yelled back to her. I got off my bed and walk down the stairs. "Yeah mom." I said to her not looking out her. "Hun, why don't you go visit him?" She said with concern in her voice. " I don't know." Maybe it's hard for me to see the guy I love dying. "There has to be a reason?" This women really wants to pressure me in to telling her! "Please!" She pleaded with me again. "Because I HATE seeing the guy I love dying!" I yelled at her an ran up the stairs in to my room and cried that's what I did for the next few hours.

Few Days Later....

I walk up the steps to Harry's door, but before I could knock on the door that one chick I met before answered the door and was glaring at me again. "What do you want?" She said looking away from me and at her IPad. "I want to see Harry." I said taking away her IPad from her. "Give me that back!" She snap at me and trying to reach for her IPad. "Let me in and then you can have it back!" I snap back at her waiting for her to respond. "Why do you care so much about him anyway?" She ask me not trying to reach for IPad anymore. Why do you I care so much about him? I mean I haven't been here for a few days. He's tried to talk to me and I never did make much of an effort to talk to him. I was about to leave when she called me back. "Get in here and see your boyfriend!" She yelled at me with a small smile. I handed her IPad back to her and said a quiet thanks. She told me where he was.

It felt like forever before I finally got to his door. I went to knock, but pulled my hand away from the door before I could. Dylan you can do this. I kept saying in my head. I finally knock on the door and waited for him to answer the door and when he did he look worse then before, but he had a smile on his face when he saw it was me. He was about to say something, but before he could I kiss him. I miss his lips on mine. We stayed like that for awhile. When we pulled away we were both out breath an smiling like crazy. "I miss you" Was lasting thing he said before he pulled me in to his room.


Sorry it's late. I have school and homework. But here you go hope you guys like it! What do you guys think of the new cover? Please Comment, Vote, and Follow me!! Love ya guys!

An Insane Love Story (A Harry Osborn Story) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now