Chapter 2|"who does she remind you of?" Pt2

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{Please tell me if there is still their original names typed up rather then Y/n ,Damian ,F/n ,M/n ,G/F/n ,Athanasia ,Talia and Mara.}
Pumbaa finds Y/n underneath him, spluttering, and he gets off.
"Sorry. Now, Princess Y/n... as F/n's daughter, you know better than to go off all alone. You could have been hurt!" Timon said.
"But... but..."
"Hurt! Oh... F/n would kill us! You didn't slip a disc, did you?"
"B-but--" she tried to say but is cut off.
Timon checks to make sure Y/n is intact
"Catch a fever? Get a hangnail?"
Timon is examining her fingers; she pulls her hand away.
"Nnngh! Timon..." she said in a very annoyed tone.
"I had one once."
"Very painful." Pumbaa said.
"Excruciating!" Timon shouts.
Timon is holding a fern branch over Y/n's head, shading her.
"Darling... with your complexion, you should stay out of the sun. {She swats the branch away} Whaaat? Do you wanna wrinkle?"
"Would someone please just listen to me?"she pleads.
"I'm sorry; I wasn't listening. Did you say something, Princess?" Timon said not know what she said.
"I'm not just a princess, you know. That's only half of who I am!" Y/n tries to say.
"Oh, uh... who's the other half?"
"Uh... well, I, uh... um..."
"Well, while you're figuring it out, let's eat. {He snaps his fingers, and Pumbaa lifts up a log} Grubs!"
"The other white meat!"
"{offering a leaf-full of grubs to Y/n} And so high in protein!
"Eww! Gross!"
"No? How 'bout you, big boy?"
"{sniff} Aaah. Love grubs!"
"Not like..."
Timon tosses a bug into Pumbaa's mouth; he crunches and coughs on it a little, then hiccups and spits the fragments back onto the leaf, coating them all with saliva.
"{grossed out} Ohhh.. you always do that! You take a bite out of every one, and then put it back. It drives me crazy!"
"But you can't tell from the outside which are the real slimy ones!" Pumbaa said to Timon agreeing with his statement.
"Slimy? Pumbaa... my corpulent compadre. It's the crunchy ones that make the meal!" Timon said to Pumbaa .
"Slimy!... Slimy!... Slimy!... Slimy!... Slimy!... Slimy!... Slimy!... Less filling!... Less filling!... Less filling!... Less filling!... Low fat!" Pumbaa said.
"Crunchy!... Crunchy!... Crunchy!... Crunchy!... Crunchy!... Crunchy!... Crunchy!... Tastes good!... Tastes good!... Tastes good!... Tastes good!... Check, please!" Timon said.

(Damian is in lion form)
Y/n wanders off while they argue.
She crosses a river on a log, and tumbles off-- directly into Damian, bowling him over. He snarls at her confrontationally, and continues growling.
"Who are you, Pridelander?"

(Both are in lion form)
Y/n does not answer, but keeps jumping from side to side, staying facing Damian at all times. Damian keeps growling menacingly, but eventually his curiosity gets the better of him.
"What are you doing?"
"My father says to never turn your back on an Outsider!"
"You always do what Daddy says?"
"Bet you do. Bet you're Daddy's little girl! Ha ha! {he moves away, hopping on logs across the river} An Outsider doesn't need anybody. I take care of myself!"
"{awed, following him across} Really? Cool!"
Damian looks back at Y/n, and notices a huge crocodile rising up behind her with its mouth gaping
"Wuhh... waaaahh!"
"{turns and sees the crocodile} Aaaaahhh! Run! {The crocodile's teeth crunch just behind them} This way!" Y/n shouts
They narrowly escape, leaping from rock to rock across the river and out of the reach of the crocodiles' jaws as more and more rise up out of the water. They rest on two unmoving "stones" further down, and begin to pant and giggle.
"That was a close one." Damian said.
The stones they are sitting on rise up and reveal themselves as more crocodile heads.
"Whooaaahhh..." they both screamed.
Y/n runs up a tree limb, getting out of reach; however, Damian runs past her, leaping from crocodile to crocodile down the river.
"Hey.. what about me?"
"You gotta take care of yourself! I'll distract them. Run!" Damian screams
Damian slips off the last crocodile into the water; as he comes up, gasping for air, the crocodiles loom over him.
"{swiping at crocodiles from her branch} Look out!"Y/n shouts.
Damian is paralyzed by fright; the gaping mouth in front of him is suddenly clamped shut by Y/n leaping on top of it.
"Move it!" She screams at him.
The two cubs scramble up a branch and up onto the bank, out of reach of danger. From the top, they pant and rest for a few moments, then move back to look over the edge. The crocodiles are massing below, furious at being cheated of their meal.
"I did it... I did it! {she "thhppbbts" the crocodiles below}"
The cubs move back from the edge and recount their adventure.

(Both transform into humans)
"Whoah, man-- did you see the size of those teeth? They were goin' "Rrrarrarrarr" .... {rolls over on her back and laughs} He was just totally eatin' you up right there, and I jumped on his head-- and I bopped him so good--"
In the corner we can see Talia , crouching in the grass some distance away.
"We make such a good team! And you... you were really brave!"
"Yeah... you were pretty brave too. My name's Damian."
"I'm Y/n." They hand shake.

(Lion form for both)
She crouches down playfully, waving her tail; she reaches out and bats him.
"Tag! You're it!"
She jumps back, laughing; instead of chasing, Damian just looks at her silently. She tries again.
"Tag! You're it! You're it!"
Still no response coming from Damian;he just stares at her.
"Hello? You run, I tag... get it? What's the matter? Don't you know how to play?"
Getting an idea, she crouches down and goes back to playing his style, with bared teeth and growls. He gets the idea and mock-growls back, but is suddenly blocked by F/n's leg right in front of him.

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