Back story

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(Disclaimer: THIS IS A FAN FIC. It isn't real, Ryan brown is a fictional character and doesn't play jelly bean jones. Trinity Linkins is the real girl that plays her, and this is not a story about trinity!)

Also: Bold text: author talking

Ryan's POV

Hi! I'm Ryan brown. u might of heard of me before (you haven't)

I play jelly bean jones in riverdale. And it's really fun and shit, but sometime it Can be hard.

Anyways, let me tell u about myself.

I'm 12 years old, turning 13 in 4 months, and I guessss I'm not ur average tween, Well obviously, I pretty famous.

People say I'm a lot like my character tough and hard going, but the truth is that's not all me.

I have a vulnerable side, a soft side, that I try to hide it, so nobody thinks I'm weak, cause that's a fear of mine.

Well u see, it's really 50/50. I am soft, but I'm tough, and I really only let people see the tough side of me, the side of me that isn't weak, or vulnerable.

Well, that's except when I'm with the people I love, or trust.

And that's my cast.

See, you might not get it if ur not an actor.

A cast is like a family, u work with them everyday, and ur doing what u love. U can goof off, have breaks, make each other laugh.

It really is like a big happy family, especially if u never had a good one.

Let me explain.

Lili, she's basically like my mom. She's always there for me, making sure I'm safe and loved and doing ok. She knows that becoming a teenager is hard, especially if u have a millions eyes on you. Lili is all about body positivity, and all that sappy shit. It's good and stuff, but it's not reality of what every girl feels, but she's trying to fix that, and I love her.

Now Cami, Camila is the fun one. She makes me break out into hysterical laughter, and is just so quirky and weird. She guides me through the job, helping me out, and also getting us into trouble. See in between scenes, we normally go exploring in set where we're not supposed to, but we have so much fun. She may not be the best influence on me, but I love her.

Ok and then there's cole, he always just teases me, making me laugh. He also really quirky and weird, over all just a great guy. He is protective too, kinda annoying lol. But I still love him.

Kj, me and him are single Pringles. He just makes me laugh in between sciences, and everyone too. Whether it's making his silly faces or just saying the most randomness stuff.

Mads is kinda like a mix of lili and cami, she is amazing, so kind and caring and loving, but also funny and humble. She is the most quirkiest person I ever met, by will never fail to cheer me up.

On the other hand, my family? Well it's kinda falling apart.

I'll just give u a quick summary.

My mom just left my dad and I out of nowhere when I was 7.

My dad was completely heartbroken, struggling to keep afloat.

That basically ruined me, having I mom love me for 7 years, just leave? I was broken, missing her everyday, crying at night, at 7 years old.

I was confused, why would she leave? Was it my fault? Why did this happen to us.

After seeing my dad go through this, after both of us having to go through this, that's what broke me.

I've been broken ever since. I've had anxiety, and bad trust issues.

I started to act up in school, but talking or listening to anyone

My dad then married some rich lady. I never liked her. She was so full of her self, only cared about her job, she was an acting agent. Her name's Monica

My dad got sick of my bad behavior, so Monica decided "oH hOnEy, We ShOuLd SiGn HeR uP fOr AcTiNg."

She basically enrolled me in children's theater, and I loved it.

It was my escape, it's made me happy, it made me feel free from my shitty life.

I didn't change my behavior, even tho I loved acting, i wouldn't change.

So mOnIcA set me up for commercial jobs, and eventually I tired out for riverdale, and got the job.

What's devastated me though is that my dad had to say home, California, for his work.

So since Monica could work on the go, we rented an apartment and lived there while shotting riverdale.

It's was my dream, acting on a hit show, doing interviews and talk shows, working with people who I loved, and loved me back. And having a bunch of people supporting me.

That's sounds like the life, and it is, it's amazing, I wouldn't trade it for anything thing else.

But it isn't ALL fun, and I guess that's where are story begins......

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