Whatever A Man Thinketh

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It's finally my day off and unfortunately Dante's day off too. All I wanted was some peace. Check up on my social media, read a good book, just relax. I'm scrolling through my Facebook news feed looking at and like the pictures that my girl posted from her honeymoon when Dante' burst into the room like a raging bull. "Victor said you been liking a lot of his pics and posts lately! You like that nigga? You think he cute? You fucking him? Is that what it is?!!" His eyes are red as fire, and I can smell the liquor on his breath. "Dante' what the fuck you talking about?!" I yell back because he's officially pissed me off. "All my niggas say you be up there at yo job flirting! You cheating on me?!" he yells.
"Dante' get the fuck out my face with that nonsense!" I respond. He should know me better than that by now. We've been together long enough for him to know better and check any nigga that's bad mouthing me.

Plus I've always heard when a man is accusing you of cheating, it's usually because he's the guilty one. Plus I know for a fact that Dante' has used social media to try to meet women in the past because one young lady was decent enough to come to me.

Why didn't I just leave him? Well because I love him. He was once my best friend. I was comfortable with him. I'd invested a lot of time. I was scared that I would end up alone. I didn't want to start over.

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