Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Harry's POV


"Uh," Louis started talking to the teenage guy at the ticket booth. "Seven tickets to see the Hunger Games."

The teenage guy laughed into the microphone. "We aren't showing the Hunger Games anymore. It is on DVD now."

I looked over at Erin who had the saddest expression written across her face.

"We'll buy the DVD." I said, fixing my sunglasses.

Erin nodded and turned around and began walking out the door and we all followed her to the car.            

"Off to WalMart!" Summer cheered, trying to lighten the mood after seeing Erin's face.                            

We all got into the car and I sat in the backseat with Erin and Niall.

Louis started driving and Summer turned around from the passenger's seat and gave Erin a weak smile.

"Do the WalMart dance!" Louis yelled and started doing weird motions with his arms and legs.                

"Get your hands back on the wheel!" Liam yelled at Louis.

Louis put his hands back on the wheel and stuck his tongue out at Liam.

Summer turned on the radio and music automatically started playing. "Life with each other, it was different. It was better."

"Ugh," Summer groaned, throwing her head back. "People are going to hate me. Do they ever play any other songs?"

"Yeah, What Makes You Beautiful." Zayn piped in and Niall began laughing hysterically.                                 

Everybody began laughing, except Erin.

I have been worried about her. She seems to be taking my amnesia harder than anybody else. 

After a while of thinking, it hit me. I don't remember Erin, but she remembers me. We must have met after my accident.            

I can't believe I wasn't dating her. She is so pretty, how did I not date her? And her personality is overwhelming. I can see why we were friends.

I just want to apologize to Erin so much, but I don't know what for. For losing my memory? For not asking her out? Does she like me?

I turned to look at Erin who was already looking at me. When ours eyes met, a smile smile formed on Erin's face, causing me to smile too.

"I love your smile." I whispered, still smiling.

Erin's smile grew bigger as she said, "I love your dimples."

I looked away from Erin, a smile still plastered on my face.


Erin's POV


I looked at Harry, sitting there in the car.

He is so beautiful, he is my boyfriend. Actually, I need to discuss that with Summer.                               

All of a sudden, Harry turned to look at me but I couldn't look away from him. The corners of my lips pulled back into a small smile.

Harry smiled down at me as I smiled up at him.

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