5. the one at the end of term

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Harry's texts are bold, Suzy's texts are italic

Monday, 1st of December, 2014

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Monday, 1st of December, 2014

So, I have both good news and bad news. What would you like first?

Ps. Hello Suzy. Hope you had a nice day!

Hello Harry! I've had a very strenuous day of studying, so there was nothing good about it. Except for maybe the pizza I ordered for lunch hehehe. But hmmm... Let's start with the good news? And how did your meeting go?

Hope you're studying hard! You're gonna ace your exams, I can see it already. The meeting went, um... That's where the good and the bad news comes in.

Thank you! And oh... Do explain.

The good news is that I found this really lovely French restaurant on my way home from the meeting, which I've already decided that I'm taking you to next time you're in the city. And you will actually be able to read all the cool French words on the menu, instead of my other friends who would just pretend they know what they're on about.

Oooooh! That sounds lovely. I am there tomorrow, but only for two days while we have our ice cream date with Mina... Maybe over the holidays while I'm staying with my papa. Which starts next week, btw!

.....And that brings me to the bad news.


Something has come up, something not so good, and it needs to be taken care of immediately... As in tomorrow. I am so very sorry! I really, really, really, really, really wanted to spend time with both you and Mina, but I have to cancel on you :( I feel absolutely terrible about it, but this is something that I can't get out of.

I will make it up to you, I promise.

Oh :( I guess it's something out of your control? It's definitely a shame but I understand. You live in a busy world, Harry, and things are constantly changing. I get it.

I really am so sorry, Suzy. Please understand that.

It's fine, I understand.

Are you mad? I don't want you to be mad at me, but I get it if you are. I probably would be too.

No, it's okay. I'm just more worried about how Mina is going to take it, tbh.

Look, um, give me the address to your London home and I'll send some flowers or something. It'll be my way of saying sorry to her personally.


Thank you! And again, I'm terribly sorry! I will make it up to you. I promise.


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