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Chapter Four


I could die right now and go to heaven with a smile on my face.

As she struts the length and breadth of the circumference room, I begin to feel some things I haven't felt in a long while.

Don't ask me what those things are, I don't readily want to remember.

My eyes follow her every movement. Left and right, up and down. Her face lights up as she talks and she becomes so animated. She demonstrates with her hands and her boobs bounce.

She's wearing a red form - fitting trouser suit and a white camisole underneath. A small white scarf is tied round her neck, accentuating it. She's all covered up, yet all her curves are on display. She looks very sexy.

She looks like sin!

I'm sitting at the back watching her every move. I can't tear my eyes away from her, even if I tried. She laughs and bends down a bit to listen to some jack - ass ask an obviously stupid question. This makes her camisole ride low and the swell of her creamy breasts are on display for all to see.

I grip the edge of the table and look around. Sure enough, all eyes are on her chest and before I know it, I'm standing up and clearing my throat.

"Excuse me," I squeak.

All eyes turn to me, frowns heavy on their faces. I feel like I'm in a circus walking a tight rope - one wrong move and I could fall very badly. So I say the next thing that comes to my mind.

"You look very nice today." Her full lips part and shock takes precedence on her face, but she gathers herself and replies a brief thank you, the corners of her lips lift up in a small smile. I sense she's shy and immediately regret the compliment I paid her.

There are knowing smiles thrown at me from my colleagues and I avoid their eyes. I needed to take their eyes off her body, it's only mine to ogle.

I smirk to myself and sit back.

She turns to the screen and my eyes immediately slide to her full hips. Damn! I will never get over how voluptuous and seductive she looks and she doesn't even have to try. It's like she was born for seduction - to seduce poor unsuspecting men, like me.

I don't hear a word she says, I just stare at her. Her parents must have forseen how she would look by giving her the name Eve, because she's an absolute temptress.

I groan silently when I look down to see an empty jotter staring at me. I'm going to have to ask a colleague to explain it to me or learn on my own. The training ends today and I haven't learnt a damn thing, sheesh!

"And this is my phone number everyone, just incase you have questions to ask me. But only professional questions about Project Management please." She chuckles as some digits are displayed on the screen for all to see. "It was really nice lecturing you all. Your manuals will be ready tommorow, so make sure you all read through."

I quickly type her digits into my phone and save it under the name 'princess.'

She turns round to detach her laptop from the projector and people begin getting up to go talk to her. I quickly get up and make my way to her. From the corner of my eyes, I see one of my colleagues moving in for the kill. I've never really liked the guy and my jaw clenches in anger as I get close to them. I put on my killer smile as I move closer.

I gauge the distance between the two of them and once I'm close, I totally ignore the buffon and slide in between them, cutting off whatever nonsense he's saying to her. He mumbles some unintelligible words as he walks off, but I totally ignore him and center my whole attention on her.

There's lust and then there's Eve- book 1of the Batman series.Where stories live. Discover now