Episode 1: Max's Big Change (Part 2)

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"And that wasn't even the worse part," Alex speaks to Harper as they both go down the restaurant's staircase. 

"Okay, so let me get this straight," responds Harper with eyebrows crossing to create a confused look on her face. "You took Mason to the park, then you left him sitting on the edge of a fountain while you went to get yourselves coffee, and when you went back you found him swimming in it and growling at everyone who looked at him?"

"Pretty much, yeah," is Alex's nonchalant reply.

"Wow. If that continues you should let the witch-vet see him or something because that is not healthy," says Harper boldly.

"Harper, there's no such thing as the 'which-vet' or 'witch doctor'. You just wave your wand and fix things!" 

"Well, don't ask me. I'm not the one from a magical world!" defends Harper.

At that moment, Justin appears from thin air right in front of Alex and Harper, who were still on the stairs. He was wearing a long robe that resembled the one Professor Crumbs wore, signifying that he just arrived from Wizard School.

"Why did you come back?" Alex rudely greets him.

"I'm visiting family!" Justin says cheekily. "Besides, shouldn't you be in your new fantastic house in Wizard World?" he smugly asks.

"Well, I'm visiting family, too," Alex sounds unsure which earns her an obviously unconvinced look from Justin.

"Actually, she forgot to pay her bills and came to ask Mr. Russo for money," says Harper. 

"Harper!" Alex angrily hit her on the arm.

"What? At least I didn't tell him what you spent the money on!" Harper defends herself again.

Before Alex says something rude, as usual, Mrs. Russo rapidly comes in as she wildly looks around her in search of something.

"Hey, Jerry have you seen-- Justin you came back!" as soon as she sees Justin she gets distracted and rushes happily to give him a hug, which he eagerly returns. "Look at you! All powerful and important looking! Did they give you a raise?" 

"Uh, hello? I'm here too! The family wizard! Your daughter!" Alex jealously interrupts.

"Oh, hi Alex," responds her mother quickly before going back to giving Justin her attention. This makes Alex more envious.

"Did you call me, Teresa?-- Oh, hey! Welcome home there, champion! I still can't believe my big boy grew up to be the great professor he is! Son, I have never been so proud." Mr. Russo's excitement with Justin doesn't allow him to notice Alex who now displays shocked and irritated expression.

"Oh, Alex. Drama never forgets you," Harper is at first serious but then chuckles as she continues, "there's something that remembers you." At hearing this, Alex gives Harper an angry stare, scaring her into being quiet.

Only a few seconds into the Russo parents pampering Justin, the Subway Station's doors get thrown back by heavy winds as a giant bat enters. Once inside, the doors lock behind it while the bat turns into Mr. Vanhuesan. Everyone else stops what they were doing and look at him in surprised horror, especially Justin who thinks Mr.V was going to get mad at him over Juliette.

"Ah, a Russo family gathering, and the tacky mortal at the back, just perfect!" states the vampire cunningly.

"Hi," speaks Mrs. Russo awkwardly. "I'm just going to check the dishes and wash on the stove. Make yourself comfortable," she tries to escape the creepy situation but the second she turns her back, she is faced with Mr. V.

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