Chapter Eighteen

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Cover pic is Elise.


"You bought me daffodils." I smiled sadly as I stared at the crumpled yellow flowers that had been dropped on the floor as Elise had run in.

"Yes. I'll get them for you. Where do you keep your vase?"

"Uhh... I don't own one?"

"You don't own a vase?" Elise looked shocked, and I bit back a laugh despite myself.

"No. No one tends to buy me flowers, y'know. And I don't have the spare money to spend it on them myself, so... no vase." I shrugged.

"Sorry. I didn't mean it like that." Elise looked sheepish.

"No worries," I grinned, "I know you didn't." closing my eyes as Elise wandered around my kitchen, looking for a suitable glass to house the flowers, I bit back a sigh. This wasn't how I intended this evening to go. It was a Friday night, I had wanted to do something productive, whether that was work or partying.

Elise returned to sit beside me. I was sat on the sofa, wrapped in in a blanket and now Elise's arms, filled with slightly drunken sadness and regret. She was forcing me to drink water, to reduce any possible hangover tomorrow, and she opened a window to let fresh air circulate as it had began to get slightly stuffy. Everything suddenly began to become slightly blurry, and before I knew it, I was asleep. When I awoke, I glanced at the clock and realised I had been asleep for around an hour. A slight burning smell filled the open plan living room and I padded into the kitchen, frowning as I greeted the sight before me. A pot was sat on the stove, the lid on but steam pouring out from the sides, wafting around the kitchen. Elise was glaring at a chopping board, where a large stalk of mutilated broccoli stared back at the blonde who held a knife in her hand and didn't look afraid to use it.

"Um... mind if I take over?" I smiled softly, noting she had cleaned up the glass on the floor.

"You're awake!" Elise glanced up in surprise, "You might want to, uh, restart. It was supposed to be..." Elise trailed off and snuck a peek at the open cookbook of mine beside her, "Creamy broccoli gnocchi. But I gave up on the broccoli part."

"So you tried to make creamy broccoli gnocchi... without one of the key ingredients?"

"Yes!" Elise huffed, "And it would have been very good had you not interrupted me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have very important things to do." I watched Elise stride past with a fond smile on my face as she defiantly plopped herself down on my sofa and switched on the TV, settling in to watch a re-run of 'The Goldberg's'.

I managed to salvage most of what she had made, chopping the mashed up broccoli and shoving it all in the pot to cook.

"Smells delicious." Elise announced, arriving in the kitchen as I served the meal in two bowls, leaving some for me to have as leftovers tomorrow.

"Yes. It's my favourite dish. Mushy broccoli."

"Shut up," Elise rolled her eyes and grinned, "At least I tried."

"That's what she said." I smirked.

"Speaking from experience?" Elise bit back, and I sat back with my mouth wide open, hand over my heart.

"Elise Elderflower, how dare you!" I gasped, watching her giggle. "By the way," I paused, "What's your middle name? I'm curious."

"I don't have one." Elise responded, and it didn't take a genius to figure out she was lying.

"I'm sure it's not that bad."

"It is."

"What do I have to do to get you to tell me?"

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