Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N Guess what? I'm back, bitches, and boy, do I got a chapter for you...


There was a pathetic and rather melancholy drawl to my voice as I ordered a coffee, once again finding myself in the bakery. A young girl served me, although I paid little attention to the curious look on her face as I took a seat upon a creaky, uncomfortable metal chair. It was warm inside, but my hands were almost blue and I cupped my mug with a soft chatter of my teeth, the sticky red tablecloth clinging horribly to my forearms.

It was my third morning in a row here. I found myself in a constant state of pathetic longing, more often than not casting a wide-eyed gaze to cobbled street beyond the glazed windows of the small shop, waiting for a flash of dark, raven hair and the softest, most wondrous smile. It never came. Part of me, deep down, was convinced that this was all a delirious delusion, that Emma Slater was far, far away from here and this whole storyline was simply concocted from the depths of my pained, broken heart.

Then, on this cold and bitter Monday morning, she appeared. A cold draft swept through the room but my heart was full and bursting with warmth. Her eyes fell upon mine and I was granted the sweetest of smiles, a smile I had cherished since the first time I had been gifted it. She ordered a drink, a coffee, most likely, as I was sure she was on her way to work. My eyes were bright and hopeful as she turned to me from the counter, slender fingers wrapped around a steaming hot china mug. But as Emma walked towards me, my heart pounding viciously, there was an abrupt flash of movement and I watched her take a seat no more than two tables away from me, a gentle sigh escaping her lips as she leant back in her chair, relaxing.

Of course she wasn't going to sit with me. Why ever would she? I was a stranger to her now, a whisper in the wind. Another vague friend of which she was not partial to, a passing wind, a-

"Are you busy?" came a faint and subtle voice. Coming to, I saw that my drink was empty, and apparently, so was hers.

"Not at all." I responded in a muted and slightly surprised murmur. Not for her, I wasn't. For Emma I was as free as a bird soaring the highest peaks in the Highlands of Scotland, at her every beck and call.

"Would you like to walk with me? I don't fancy walking to work alone. Quite frankly, it's very boring."

"Even more so than my company?" I questioned with a sly smile, standing up to wrap a Burberry scarf around my neck as she surveyed me with a grin I couldn't quite place. Oh, how I had missed her.

"Oh, absolutely," Emma grinned, toying with the end of my scarf as she tucked my chair in behind me with a groaning scrape, "Absolutely, dear."

"Don't 'dear' me," I smirked, opening the door for the woman, "You know that's my thing."

"Ooh, sorry, am I not posh enough?" she winked as arrived on the pavement, now in the way of the full force of the biting wind.

"Absolutely not..." leaning closer, I gave a sultry smile, "Dear."

Shivering, Emma stamped her foot, beginning to walk ahead, "Whatever, gaylord."

"What did you just call me!?" I exclaimed in surprise, an odd bark escaping my lips as I felt the joy of such a silly conversation bubble up from where it had lain hidden for quite a long time.

"Nuffin." responded Emma as I gave a small skip to catch up with her.

"You most certainly called me something! Honestly, it's a wonder you're allowed to teach children," I fell into step beside her, "You're still such a child yourself."

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