Wanna Be Free (triple date part 1)

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Ryan's POV:

I woke up to the sound of people talking down stairs. Brendon wasn't in bed and it scared me a little bit. I got up, put on Brendons sweatshirt, and walked down the stairs. There were four other people in the house. One had black hair and a bunch of tattoos, on was wearing a fedora, one had really cute blue eyes and a cool beard, the other was wearing flip-flops. They were quietly whispering about something. I walked over to Brendon and grabbed his hand. I tryed to stand behind Brendon so the others couldnt see me.

"Hey Ry." Brendon turned around and kissed my head. "Guys this is Ryan, we adopted him almost two months ago. Ryan these are my friends; Pete, Patrick, Spencer, and Jon." They waved at me and I blushed.

"So Brendon, we were just about to go on a double dte and almost invited you, but then we realized you arent dation anyone. After about 5 minutes we were like scre it Brendon's coming." The one with black hair, Pete, informed us.

"Not for long Pete." Brendon turned to me. "Ryan , will you be my boyfriend?" I smiled and looked over at his friends. I only talk to Brendon so I just nodded. Brendon leaned down a little and kissed me.

"Wait. Isnt he your brother?" Flip- flops asked.

"Actually Jon! We arent adopting him since he can move out in a few months." Brendon squeezed my hand.

"Alright, well first we are going to the movies then the ice cream palace and finally the skating rink." Patrick said grabbing petes hand. They are a cute couple .

After about 20 minutes of us getting ready and the 15 minute car ride to the theater we finally sat in our seats waiting for the movie.

"Pete! Why did you pick a scary movie?" Patrick has been whining sence we bought our tickets.

"Shh its starting." Pete threw popcorn at his face. We all laughed and then payed attention to the movie.

It was kind of scary and there were a lot of jump scares. Every now and then Brendon's grip on my haand would tighten. I don't really like holding his hand for to long, because our hnds get sweaty. Gross. I look down the row and see Patrick looking away from the screen, Pete smiling as one of the sime characters got stabed, Jon and Spencer playing both clinging to each other, and then there was Brendon who was shaking in his seat. I pushed the arm rest up and pulled him onto my lap.

"Don't worry. I will protect you ." I whispered in his ear and he smiled.

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