Truth and Milk

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(So I wasnt gonna write till Tuesday but, its Ry's bday and Marsh was giving away free milk today and it reminded me of this.)

Ryan's POV:

        "Brendon! Where is the milk?" I was fixing cereal and then realized we were out of milk.

        "We ran out yesterday." Brendon walked in to the kitchen and wrapped his arms around me.

        "Your mom bought milk two days ago. How do you drink a gallon of milk in one day?" I leaned back into him.

        "I never said I drank it." He slapped my butt then walked away. I stood there for a minute. What the fuck else could you do with milk? "Come on we're going to the store." Brendon grabbed his keys and pulled me out the door.

At the store:

        "You get the milk and I will go get some snacks. When I am done I will meet you here ok?" Brendon kissed me then walked away. I have only been in public 2 twice, so thi is really scary. There are so many people. A lot of people gave Brendon and I weird looks. Brendon told me to ignore them and keep going. I found the milk I wanted and stood waiting for Bendon. I looked around and noticed a boy with straight blond hair staring at me. He was wearing a tight shirt that showed off all his muscles. He was cute but, nothing compared to Brendon. He smiled and walked up to me.

        "Hey, my name is Mathew. I dont think I have ever seen yyou around, are you new?" His voice was really deep. He was wearing this weird cologne on. I gulped and nodded. He stuck his hand out and I shook it. "Do you have a name?" I dont think I like him. Something about him is I looked over and saw Brendon walking over to me. I looked back at Mathew and nodded."Well, what is?" Brendon dropped the chips and cookies he was holding and ran over to me. He grabbed Mathew by the shoulder and turned him around.

        "Stay the fuck away from him Matt!" I have never seen Brendon mad. It scared me. Mathew laughed at him.

        "Whats the mattter fag boy? This your boyfriend?" He grabbed Brendon and pushed him against a wall. Brendon yelped in pain as his head slammed into the wall. He looked over at me. He looked really scared. Mathew pulled his hand back then punched Brendon in the face. His lip started bleeding. He was trying really hard not to cry. I have to help him, I just dont know how. Mathew punched Brendon in the face again. This time he hit his eye. Brendon's eye was already starting to swell. It will be WAY worse in a few hours. Brendon was crying now and Mathew laughed. "Yeah thats right, cry like a little baby you worthless peice of shit!" He spat at Brendon. I couldnt take it anymore. I picked up another milk jug and threw it at Mathew. He let go of Brendon and fell back a little. Brendon fell down the wall. He tried to get up, but couldnt. "It this milk?!" Mathew turned to me and I started backing up. Hiis face was red and he was glaring at me.

        "Run!" Brendon grabbed my arm, and we started running towards the door. Mathew chased after us but slipped on the milk that was all over the floor. We ran till we got in the car and then locked all the doors.

        "Brendon, I've killed someone before." I dont know why I told him that. I have been meaning to tell him, but not like this.

        "What?!" Brendons eyes grew wide and he scooted over in his seat a little. "Who the hell did you kill Ryan?"  His eye was deffinatly starting to bruise.

        "Lets go home. I will cover up your black eye and tell you." He nodded and started driving. I could tell he was nervous because his grip on the steering wheel was so tight his knuckles where white. 

 At House:

        "K, up on the counter." Brendon has been keeping his distance form me ever since we got out of the car. He jumped upp on the counter as I pulled out my makeup bag. I found some powder that matched his skin one and dipped my finger in it. I turned to Brendon and lightly brushed my finger over his bruised eye, he flinched a little but didnt stop me.I repeated the process untill I was almost done. "It was my father, I stabbed him. Me killing him is the reason I am here.'' Brendon grabbed me hand and looked into my eyes.

        "Why did you kill him Ryan?" I looked down. Brendon probably hates me now. I'm a discusting freak just like my dad said.

        "He said he wanted to play a game. All of his games involves raping me. I.. I couldnt take it any more. I grabbed a knife but he kept getting closer and....and...and." I was crying again. Brendon lifted my chin so I had to look at him. He kissed my tears, then wiped away the rest.

        "I thought you just walked up to someone on the street and killed them." Brendon let out a breath. How can he be okay with this?

        "Please dont hate me." 

        "I dont hate you! I love you and I'm mglad you're safe." Brendon hopped of the counter and hugged me. I buried my head into his neck.

                "I still want milk." I said breathing in his scent. He chuckled and swayed us back and forth.


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