Chapter Two

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Celeste's P.O.V.

I head back to the apartment, wanting nothing more than to go back to bed.  I walk into the building, heading towards the elevator. "Oh. My. God. Celeste? Celeste Thomson?" I hear a high pitched voice screech.  I turn around to see who it was calling me. Oh no. "Umm... Hey Chloe..." I say. I back up towards the elevator, hitting the button a bunch of times. "Come on, come one come on!" I think to myself. "I haven't seen you in like forever girl! You look so different! How's Luke doing?" Just hearing his name brings a lump to my throat. I just slightly shake my head at her. "Oh.. I'm sorry hun..." She says to me with a fake sympathetic look on her face. "I should probably get going." I say quietly to her. "Oh! Okay, well I'll see you around then. We should get a coffee sometime?" She asks. "Sure" I say smiling. I hear the elevator ding, meaning that it finally was here. I back up into the elevator until I hit the wall. 

"Glad that's over" I sigh. "Glad what's over?" I hear a voice say. I look to my side to see who the person was. Oh god, it's the guy from in the cafe. I bang the back of my head on the wall a few times before speaking. "It's nothing"  "My name's Anthony by the way." He says while holding out a hand. "I'm Celeste." I say while I shake his hand. "You were the girl at the cafe right?" He asks me. "Yeah. I'm so sorry about that I didn't mean to run off without saying anything it's just-" "It's fine." He cut me off. "You don't need to explain anything." He says while smiling. I smile back and brush a piece of hair behind my ear. The elevator started creaking. And that's when I started to freak out. "Oh my god." I say while pacing around. "What's the matter?" Anthony asks me. I sit down in the corner and tell myself that it's nothing to worry about. It's probably normal. "It's going to be fine" He assures me. "No. You don't understand. I- I have a fear and-" "It's going to be okay Celeste." He surprises me by sitting down next to me to comfort me. And he did for a minute until the elevator stopped.  I start sobbing and then he wrapped his arms around me and placed his chin on top of my head. "Listen to me." He says "Someone will notice that the elevator's not working and get us out of here." I look up at him "Promise?" I ask. "I promise." He replies.  "Now, it might be a while. So why don't we play a game?" He says while smiling.  "I guess" I smile "What game?" "How about 21 questions. But with a twist. There will only be five questions. For one of the five questions I ask you you have to say a lie. If I can guess which one is a lie, I get to take you out on Friday. Not going to say where, just out." He says "And if I win?" I ask while raising an eyebrow "You can dare me to do anything and I'll have to do it." He says. "What if we both get it right?" I ask. "Then we'll both have to do a dare." He answers. "Deal" I say while grinning. "You ask first." 

I know I shouldn't be doing this. I'll only end up getting hurt. But right now I just need to take my mind off of the fact that I'm stuck in an elevator. 

"What's your favourite colour?" Anthony asks me. "Mint green." I say. "What is your favourite food?" I ask. "Anything from Taco Bell." He says while looking upwards and smiling. Ten bucks says he's day dreaming about Taco Bell right now. I didn't want to ruin his little moment there so I just waited for him to come back to earth. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks while smirking cheekily. "Yes." I lie. He looks into my eyes and then grins. As if knowing that was a lie. "Are you in a gang?" I ask while giggling. "No. I work at the cafe" He winks at me. "If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?" He asks. "Right now, anywhere but here." I whisper. "Awwww, you don't like being with me?" He asks while making a puppy dog face. "No, it's not that I just don't like this particular situation..." I laugh "If you could date anyone in the world who would you date?" I ask curiously "You." He replies. I begin laughing, but then I notice he's dead serious. "Why me?" I ask. "You're different." He replies. "In a good way. Now, what's your favourite movie?" He asks to move on from the previous question. "Footloose. Not the new version, but the original one" I feel myself smiling while thinking about watching that movie with Maddie the other day. "What's your favourite book?" I ask. "I don't read much." He replies while shrugging. "What's your biggest fear?" He asks me. "Honestly, being stuck in an elevator. Or being alone. You know what, being stuck in an elevator alone." I say quickly. Anthony just laughs quietly while shaking his head. "Mine would have to be dying with barely living. And I mean really living. I don't want to be there dying, and realize I've wasted my whole life doing nothing. I want to experience everything, Happiness, sadness, love..." He glances at me "It's stupid I know but-" "It's not stupid." I say cutting him off. He just flashes me a small smile before saying "Your turn." "How old are you?" I ask him. " 21" "How old are you?" He asks me. "Should've asked that earlier." I say while winking at him. "Your five questions are up, which one do you think was my lie?" I ask while standing up and dusting off my dress. "Number two. I don't think you have a boyfriend. It's that or he doesn't make you happy. Whenever you smile only a few of them are real. No one seems to notice but I do." I look down at the floor and then back at him. I give him a small nod and he gives me a sad smile. "What do you think my lie was?" He asks to change the topic. "I think you do read. And I think you're obsessed with the twilight series" I grin "You caught me" He says while laughing. "So I guess you won then..." I say. He stands up in front of me and grabs my hands "See you on Friday" He winks at me. All of a sudden the elevator doors open and two police officers are standing there. They help us out of the elevator, make sure we're okay and then left. "I'll see you on Friday" I say to him. He leans over and kisses my cheek before walking away. "Wait! Do you live here?" I ask him. "Should've asked that earlier. Your questions are all used up" He smirks and then turns the corner. 

I walk to my apartment. I open the door and am relieved to see that I'm the only one home. I grab a blanket and curl up in a ball on my chair.

I couldn't help thinking about Anthony. I know I shouldn't get in too deep, and I won't let myself. I can't let myself. I'll just get hurt again. But he's so different. He's so charming, sweet and actually seems to care. But then again so did Luke, what has this guy done to me? The last thing I remember before dozing off was his smile. And how it felt when he wrapped his arms around me in that elevator.

Authors Note: Hey guys! :) I'll be adding another chapter tomorrow night. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :D If you have any suggestions please leave a comment :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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