Chapter One

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Celeste's P.O.V.

"Celeste! You're gonna be late for your interview!" I hear Steph and Maddie yell from downstairs. Steph's my best friend. We share a huge modern apartment together in South California with two of our other friends, Maddie and Lacy. Our apartment has two floors. On the top floor there's an amazing kitchen with a large balcony. It has such a great view of the city. It's my favourite place in the whole apartment. Down the hall leading to the staircase, on the right there's my bedroom and my amazing bathroom. Across the hall is Lacys room. And a door that connects to her bathroom. When you walk downstairs you enter a beautiful open-concept living room. Don't mean to brag but... I chose all of the furniture and decorations. And I'm so happy with how it turned out. There's one Love-seat, a three seater couch, and a recliner. Also known as MY chair. All of the furniture is matching and cream coloured. If you turn right the living room leads into another amazing kitchen. But this one is a little bit smaller than the one upstairs. At the end of the kitchen, there's a hall on the right that leads to Steph and Maddies bedrooms. They both share the master suite bathroom. That's pretty much our apartment!

"Uggghhhh why do interviews have to be so early!?" I shout. "Early? It's 11:00AM!" Lacy says from her bathroom. I hear Steph and Maddie laugh from downstairs. "I'm giving you ten seconds to get up. If you don't I'm going to come in there and drag you out myself." Maddie shouts from her bedroom. "MERCY!" I yell back to her.

I have an interview at a fancy restaurant called "Cafe Francais" down the street in about an hour. I get up and walk to my bathroom. I change into my outfit I had picked out the night before. I'm wearing a tight white dress with a black blazer over top and black heels. I decided to straighten my hair really quickly, just to look a little more professional. Right now anything would look better than the mess of hair on my head. I grab my black clutch, take one last look in the mirror and then head downstairs. "Wait!" Maddie stops me before the door, "Good luck." She smiles and then hugs me. "Thank you" I say smiling and hugging back.

Anthony's P.O.V.

I walk into the cafe and immediately head to the back to grab my apron. I adjust my tie and head towards a couple sitting at a table in my section. "Hi my name is Anthony and I will be your server today." I say with a smile "So what can I get you?" While I'm taking their orders I hear a ringing noise. Signalling that someone had walked in. I look back to see who it was and immediately my jaw drops. "Woah..." I think to myself. She looks up and I flash her a smile and a small wave. She smiles back. But I could tell it wasn't genuine. She turned away and looked at the floor.

Celeste's P.O.V.

I walk into the cafe and hear a bell ring. I glance beside me. When I look straight ahead I see a guy smiling and waving at me. "Oh my god, he's so hot" I think to myself. "Wait Cee stop. You promised yourself never again. Especially after..."


"You are so gullible aren't you Cee." Luke says to me. I hold back the tears trying to convince myself what he was saying wasn't true. "You actually thought, I could love someone like you?" He laughs while looking me up and down and cringing. "You were so desperate for love you would do anything for me. You never saw this coming did you? You were all a part of my game Celeste. But I have no use for you now. I never loved you." Luke says in a cruel tone. He walks towards me and pushes me backwards towards the wall. I can't help but let the tears pour out one by one down my face.

*End of flashback*

(Still Celeste's P.O.V.)

I look up and wipe the tears off my face. I turn around to look for a bathroom where I can calm down. But when I turn the guy's there. Right in front of me. He looked... concerned? "Are you alright love?" He asks me softly. "Hah, almost convincing. This is probably some bet he made with his friends. A bet that he could hookup with me in a day." I think to myself. I push past him and head towards the bathroom.

Anthony's P.O.V.

She looked kind of out of it. Like she was somewhere else in her mind. "I'll be right back" I say to the couple. I quickly walk over to her and stand behind her. I didn't want to scare her so I just stood there. She turned around and I noticed there were tears running down her face. "Are you okay?..." I ask her. She just looks at me for a minute and then sped past me. She ran towards the girls bathroom. A few minutes pass and she walks out. I open my mouth to speak but she just walks straight past me towards the small office.

Celeste's P.O.V.

A few minutes after I've calmed down I walk out of the bathroom. The guy tries to speak to me but I just walk right past him into the office where my interview is supposed to be. As I enter the room I hear a kind voice say "You must be Celeste." I turn to see a lady sitting at a table. "Yeah that's me" I smile. "I'm so so sorry that I'm late I was-" "Hahaha, it's fine" she smiles warmly. "I only have a couple of quick questions for you. But it shouldn't take too long" she says. "Alright" I say smiling. She asks me a few questions, about previous careers, schedules etc., and before I knew it it was over. "Thank you very much for coming in today Ms. Thomson." "My pleasure" I respond. "We'll get back to you as soon as we can" "Thank you!" I say while leaving the cafe.

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