A Change Is Gonna Come [4]

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It's been a long time, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

It's been too hard living, but I'm afraid to die
'Cause I don't know what's up there, beyond the sky
It's been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

-A Change is Gonna Come, Sam Cooke


Blinking her eyes, Hermione -or Lyra, she guessed -saw a red head splayed across a small seat, his body not made for the chair, so his legs were dangling over one of the arms, whilst his head was in line with her view, hair stuck to his forehead, and his mouth open as he snored. Lyra smirked, this was priceless blackmail. And then she remembered what had happened, the tale the women had told them, the memories that had resurfaced, her screaming and then... "shit!" she screamed, and later on she'd look back and laugh at how Charlie let out a squeal that was a little too high pitched and then promptly fell out of the chair, with a giant 'thud'. "we're going to be so killed, oh god," she rambled, jumping up, before groaning, and flinging her hand out to steady her as the room spun before her.

"Jesus fuck, what the hell is going on in here?" she turned to see Dante and his father looking worried, with their wands held. Lyra flushed as she realised how the scene must have sounded to others. After a few seconds, they put their wands down and groaned. She gave them a sheepish smile, understanding why they'd be on edge, but still finding it amusing when she shouldn't be.
"err, sorry about that.." she trailed off as Charlie started laughing, and she muttered an incantation to make him feel as if he had an itch on his back, where he wouldn't be able to scratch, thus leading him to hopping around the room, and she smirked before continuing, leaving the spell for a few seconds longer, just to make him uncomfortable, before wordlessly stopping it, and he glared at her, "I woke up not knowing where I was, and then, well, the memories came back, and you know the rest..." she muttered, rubbing her arm uncomfortably, and Charlie stopped glaring at her and sighed, sitting down in the chair -although, he did look a hell of a lot comfier.

"well, first off, we're at Fred and George's flat, it's concealed to look smaller than it is, courtesy of the twins. We will not be getting killed, as I 'informed' mother dearest that we were crashing at the flat as 'time got away from us' when we were book shopping and shopping for the twins, witch she ate up only too easily, so we're safe there, and as for the memories..." charlie trailed off, obviously not knowing what to say, and Hermione shuddered at the thought of them, wrapping her arms around herself.

"when Victoryia was talking about the man she called a father getting killed in front of her, it," she paused as she sat down, curling her knees into her chest and wrapping her arms around them, feeling cold from the memory, "pushed all of my repressed memories forward. The only problem with that was the fact that the first memory I got was of my mother fighting to keep me, and then trying to kill someone who had tried to shoot a killing curse at my father, missing by an inch." she closed her eyes, and tried to get rid of the memory, missing the horrified looks on the males -and Victoryia's -faces.

"i cant say I wasn't surprised," she murmured, more to herself, before laughing bitterly, "unsurprisingly it was Dumbleone," she knew there was a reason they didn't use the real name, but she had too many things inside of her head at the moment to really care, "he'd come to take me away from them, citing that they were 'bad' parents even though they actively stayed out of the fucking war. My mum tried to tell this, and some of the Aurors looked confused as to why they were doing it for a moment, but then a second later Dumbletwat did something and they listened to him. My dad pushed me into my mother's arms, and then tried to fight them all. He got to just Dumbleone, and then you know the rest." she finished bitterly, and a moment later Harry had his arms around her -when the hell did he get here exactly -and she sagged into him, leaning onto the person she considered her brother, and began, once a fucking gain, to cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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