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I was in a dark room.

I looked around to figure out the place I was at.

But I couldn't find anything, plus the place was not familiar to me.

As I was looking around, I saw a body lying unconsciously on the floor.

I ran to that body and it's a boy which I have never seen or met before.

I noticed an empty plastic bottle of sleeping pills was placed right beside him.

And only one thought running through my mind, 'He didnt commit suicide right?'.

I shook his body, hoping that I could wake him up.

However he didn't show any movement.
Panic started to attack me.

I shouted on top of my lungs, shouting for help but no one's there.

It was hopeless.

My breathing became uneven.

I tried my very hard to catch my breath.

My breathing became heavier than ever.

I could see nothing but darkness.

Rringg rringg!
I woke up, gasped for air.
It was just a dream.
But it felt surreal.
I have never had this kind of dream, ever in my life.
I wonder who's that boy in my dream.
But most importantly, was that just a dream or a cry for help?
A/N Is it good or is it bad? Don't forget to comment and to vote💜 Thank you and I purple you, banana_fly.

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