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"Yebin honey, have you wake up yet?", I could hear my mom's voice from downstairs.
"Yes, I am", I replied.

<At school>
"Have fun at school", said my mom while she planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Alright mom", I said while getting off from the car.

As soon as I arrived at my classroom, my best friend, Jiwoo, greeted me.

"Good morning girl".

"Good morning to you too", I replied.

"Yah, great news! Today, our class is going to have a new student!", she squealed.

"Is it?", I asked.

"Yes and I hope its a he", she added.

I smacked her arm.

"Ouch!", she fake crying.

When the clock strikes 8.30am, Mrs Lee, our homeroom teacher came into our class.

"Good morning Mrs Lee", we all greeted her in unison.

"Good morning class, as most of you already know today our class is going to have a new student. Please get along well and of course please welcome him", said Mrs Lee.

"Its a he", Jiwoo who's sitting in front of me turned around facing me while smiling ear to ear.

"You are creeping me out", I scoffed and caused her to pout.

We all then gave the new student a round of applause as the new student walked into our classroom.

"Annyeong, I'm Kim Taehyung. I hope we can all get along together and please take a good care of me", he then flashed us a rectangular smile, which the whole class find it cute.

Wait...wait a minute, why does his face looks so familiar?!

'Think hard, think hard my two brain cell!', I thought to myself.

Ha! I got it!

Wait, no, it can't be!

He's the one, the boy that I saw in my dream.

'That dream was not just a dream isn't it..?', I questioned myself.

"Yah! Are you alright? Why are you looking so pale?", Jiwoo asked, but her questioned was left unanswered.

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