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During lunch break.

"Yah! Why you've been so quiet? Are you somehow not happy? The new student is now your seatmate!! The whole class are envious of you!", Jiwoo said while pouting.

The reason why I've been quiet,,,

I was still shook with what has just happened to me, however Mrs Lee made it worse by assigning that new student as my new seatmate.

I let out a long deep sigh to sort up my now messy mind.

"Jiwoo listen, I really need your help", I finally spoke up.

"Anything for you, so what exactly I can help you with?", she replied.

"So, last night I dreamed of a boy committed suicide", I started.

"So, what that has to do with you?", she asked.

"I'm not done yet. The thing is that, the boy that I saw in my dream looked so much like Kim Taehyung, that new student", I said, which clearly made Jiwoo shook too.

"Are you sure?", she asked.

"I AM 100% SURE", I replied.

"But it could be just a dream", she said.

"I have no idea, I mean that dream could be just a dream or it could be a cry for help", I stated.

"Yea, you are right", she agreed.

"So do you have any idea, please help me?", I asked.

"First, I think we need to get to know him, thankfully you are sitting next to him", she said.

I just nodded as for a reply.

Hopefully, I could find an answer soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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