Ripped Away

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It was as if it wasn't happening. I stared at the scene for a few moments questioningly. It happened so fast. I've been told that time slows down when things like this happen, but apparently not. For me anyways, time seemed to go by excruciatingly fast.

Her lifeless eyes stared up at me, with a cold expression on her face. I stared into her eyes...her eyes that seemed to loose all retina coloring...her eyes that once lit up so brightly now stared at me cold, lifeless.

I wasn't aware of the screaming around me, until I was ripped from the scene.

I wouldn't call it crying. No, it was well past the point of crying. I had successfully reached the point of hysteria. I wasn't sobbing, I was screaming. Tears weren't flowing out of my eyes; it was more like a river. I was having a hard time breathing.

I was barely aware of where I was, and for all I knew the person or persons trying to comfort me were total strangers.

I couldn't even think. All I knew was that they were gone. My mommy. My loving, eccentric, crazy, forgiving, understanding, fun, slow to anger, always happy mother. And my father! My hard working, independent, caring, always there for me, always makes me laugh father.

I'd never go shopping with Mommy again. No more Quidditch talk with Daddy. No more Mommy doing my hair.

They wouldn't get to see me graduate. They wouldn't get to see me get my first job. They won't see me move into my first house. They won't see me on my wedding day...

Then, for a moment almost like the calm before the storm, I stopped crying.

They'd never get to meet Draco.

And that's when I pretty much exploded.

They'd never get to meet this amazing guy. This guy who I fell in love with. They'd never get to see how happy I am with him!

Suddenly I was moving. Or maybe I was being moved?

This sensation was familiar...oh yes. I am being carried. I cried harder thinking of all the times Daddy had carried me. I didn't know who it was, and I didn't care. All I knew is that it wasn't my why should I care?


Maybe it was nighttime. Maybe it was noon. Maybe I've been asleep for days. Maybe I haven't slept at all. That would explain why my eyes were so sore.

Slowly, I opened my eyes.

I recognized the room as Fred and George's. Not that it even mattered anyways.

Nothing really matters anymore.

Ok, it seems like I'm saying that a lot lately. I mean how bad is my life really? I go to an amazing school, I'M A MAGICAL WITCH! =D, I have the best friends in the world, I am healthy, and I have all the Weasley's who care for me, I have my par-wait...

My vision blurred as I thought of that last one.

Tears were building up in my eyes ready to spill over.

'Stop. Stop. Stop. Don't think about it. Don't think about it.'

I concentrated on not thinking know...'them' and instead I thought about...hmm...what can I think about?

Suddenly I was over come with a wave of nausea and I jumped out of bed and sprinted across the hallway into the bathroom that was kindly awaiting me.

Once all that lovely business was over I collapsed on the floor resting my head against the wall.

My head was spinning and I couldn't see very clearly. This is what I get for jumping right out of bed.

After a few minutes of adjusting my eyes to the light, and washing my face with cold water, I felt alright.

I looked in the mirror. I looked horrible. My eyes were dry and bloodshot, my hair was greasy, and I looked as pale as a ghost. Then I noticed that I was in a old t-shirt and some pajama pants.

They were my clothes, but I don't remember changing into them...

That's when I smelt breakfast.

I moaned into the smell of pancakes and my stomach lurked, this time in a good way.

I slowly made my way down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I noticed only a few people in the kitchen. Mrs. Weasley making some bacon to go with the pancakes,

'hmmm so it is morning' I thought.

Ginny was eating pancakes at the table with Fred and George. And that was it.

It took a few minutes for anyone to notice that I was there, but eventually Mrs. Weasley turned around. She jumped being startled by my presence.

"Oh! Hello dear! Would you care for some breakfast?" She asked with a smile that I could tell was strained. Probably because of the war going on and everything she was always a mess with worry.

I nodded not saying a word.

She grabbed me a plate of pancakes and some pumpkin juice and I sat down across from Ginny.

Ginny, Fred, and George were at looking at me intently, as if trying to figure out what type of species I was.

I looked down, not wanting any attention. They seemed to get the hint because they stopped staring at me so bluntly.

"Here you are dear." Mrs. Weasley smiled setting my plate down.

"Thank you." I managed to croak.

The first thing I did was chug the pumpkin juice. My throat was so dry and sore from all the crying. Then I realized just how hungry I really was and scarped down all the food in front of me like I'd never been fed. Usually, I don't eat that much, but I went back for thirds and was still hungry when I finished.

I ate all my breakfast in silence. Nobody said a word.

When I was done, I tried to decide if I was strong enough to ask what happened without crying.

After taking a big breath I thought I could at least try to handle it. What's the worst that could happen? And what's life without a little risk?

"What happened?" I asked quietly.

Mrs. Weasley froze and stopped washing the dishes and the twins and Ginny all tensed up.

Slowly, Mrs. Weasley turned around and smiled at me.

"Sweetie, why don't you go upstairs with Ginny?" she asked.

Ginny's eyes widened.

"Ginny." Mrs. Weasley said egging her on.

Ginny and I got up and I followed her up the stairs. She led me back into Fred and George's room.

"Umm, your clothes are in the drawers. I think Mum wants to wait to talk to you until my dad gets home." She said avoiding eye contact.

"Can I take a shower?" I asked, knowing the answer would obviously be yes.

She nodded. "Towels are in the cabinet in the hallway."

I got a towel and started walking towards the bathroom, then I turned to face Ginny.

I hesitated for a moment, "Ginny...?"

"Yeah?" she asked, a nervous squeak to her voice as if she was scared I'd blow up crying again.

"How long has it been?"

She took a deep breath and began walking away. Halfway down the hallway, she changed her mind and decided to answer my question.

"It's been four days."

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