Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

It's like a castle down here. I run out of one bleak corridor and into another, only to find I'm in the same place I was minutes before.

I trip on a lose tile and tumble over, my knees getting scratched in the process. I turn back to try to tug my dress out but its stuck. Under what I don't know. The lose tile is stuck in its mold, but somehow my dress got under it.

My nails scrape at the edges, drawing blood that I can't see in this light. Sweat covers my face. This has to lead to something. If not then I don't know what going to happen, to me or the world.

The tile comes up.

The floor isn't solid beneath it. I carefully reach my hand down. I don't know what I'm going to find.

My hand slides across a sharp object, and slices open. I draw it back to my chest. The pain immediate as I use my clothes to stop the bleeding.

If the situation weren't so desperate I would make a joke about the amount of injuries I've gotten in these past few days.

I steady my breathing.  This is a good thing. Now I have a way to protect myself.  I take the hilt of the knife and hold it at my side. A sick sensation in the back of my throat comes back. What happens if I have to use this knife?

I hear footsteps around the corner. It's him. He's woken up. I hold my weapon out in front of me. I have to fight. The man brushes my knife to the side. It hits the floor with a clack. The noise can only be heard for a short time before my screaming covers it up. His gruff hands close over my throat. He doesn’t say anything or exert any energy as if this is something he does every day. I struggle, kicking him in the thigh, but he doesn’t flinch. It’s nothing compared to what I did to his eye.

I can’t breathe. I scratch at his hands but they won’t move. He’s too strong.

“Be gentile with her. We need the girl alive” a voice says. I don’t know who said it but with my last bit of energy I grab the knife and hide it under my dress. This will come in handy latter.

I pass out and a kick to my stomach wakes me back up. I’m in a circular room, well light Un-like the one I was in before. The floor is clean, and there aren’t any rats this time.

“You’re awake?” the man asks. He’s the one Ii heard before I was knocked out. I pull at the rop binding my hands to the chair.

“What do you want with me,” I spit out through my teeth, staring at him careful not to break eye contact/ “You wouldn’t be successful.” I say

He smiles almost laughing at me, “I should introduce myself, shouldn’t I. How rude I’ve been” his whole demeanor is sinister. I shudder, “What does it matter anyway. You’ll be dead soon enough.”

“I won’t let you kill me. I’ll fight back”

“No, I won’t let that happen. It will be me who gets the privilege to kill you.”

“It has to be you who kills me,” I ask trying to put of the inevitable, my death.

My prison guard kicks at my chair enough to jolt it but not enough to tip it over. There is a sharp paint at my side. My knife is still there. How did they not take it away? It doesn’t matter, its minor success in the long term of things. However that doesn’t change that fact that I am now injured from this very knife. I feel the blood drip down my dress. I angle my side so he doesn’t see it.

“I’m so sorry about this,” he says politely but I’m not tricked by his attitude, “I told them not to hurt you.” He pauses, “and no, it doesn’t have to be me who kills you, as long as a fey does it.” He crouches down so that he’s just about eye level with me and pushes my hair behind my ear. He and the guard leave and I are alone again.

I wait, My heart is beating fast at the beginning but they’ve been gone for so long that it’s slowed down. The room is silent. When I’m sure everyone is gone I take out the knife and carefully start to cut the rope. The blood dripping out my wound has started to slow, but I know it’s already caused damage, possible irreversible. Seconds go by, maybe even minutes but it feels like forever. It feels like they will come back any moment now. Finally the rope breaks and my hands come free. It stings as the bruises that had formed around that area are exposed.

I want to get up and move around, celebrate my achievement, but they could be coming back soon. I’ve already tried to escape once, and this is what happened. So I wait.

After an undetermined amount of time a round files into the room, the lights come back on. I don’t look up to see their faces. I don’t have enough energy. From just their feet I can tell they’re rich. The look like the upper class high society men and women who wouldn’t choice to go see an execution in their free time, but what do I know about fey.

Isn’t this just great. I’m being put on exhibition. My execution is to become a show enjoyed b only the elitist. The chairs fill up around me.

The fey from before starts to speak. It’s in another language so I can’t understand but I know it’s about me.

I grip at the knife. I can’t let him kill me. He said everything would work out if a fey did it. Does that mean his plans will be ruined if I kill myself. I pull out the knife slow enough so that he and everyone else don’t take notice. Count to three, one, two, three. I trust the knife into my heart.

I can hear the blood rushing through my ears and dripping out of my chest. This is the end.

The crowd starts to scream. Why are they so surprised, I was supposed to die anyway. I know, it’s because they didn’t expect me to do it.

“Save her” the fell yells at men who look to be guards. Too late. It’s over now.


“Your to late” the fey sneers just as the doors burst open. “She’ already dead, it’s unfortunate really that she killed herself/ Now we have to find another human to take her place” the fey sounded so calm, but he didn’t look that way. His blond hair falling out of his pony tail right in front of his eyes.

“She sacrificed herself for a great cause. You won’t find another human as pure as her. You’ve already killed most of them” he said. It was Nicollo here to save me minutes to late.

“She would have been perfect if your plan had worked.” He smiled and waked over to my dead body, “Just look at how pure she is. She became an angle.”

“How did this…” I start to say lost to what just happened. He pulls me into a kiss.

“Don’t worry about it. The vampire soldiers are here now. I talked to you friend Amir,” He pulls me in tighter. I smile. I don’t know how, but everything worked out for the better.

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