~Chapter 1 pt1~

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It was a pretty normal day,when I say normal I mean as normal as it can be for an altean undercover on earth,anyway swiftly moving on...

(Y/n) was a great cadet (?) at the garrison,she was a great fighter,great pilot but her attitude was a major problem,she has a very thin temper (sorry if you don't),she's often seen by herself and when she's with people,she's quiet and hates it,the fact that she's altean she has glowing mint coloured marks on her face,making people more curious about The mysterious girl.

-(y/n) POV-

I woke up,got myself cleaned up,put on my uniform and placed my long (coloured) hair in a ponytail.after this I walked out of my room and saw three immature kids (hunk,lance and pidge),I roll my eyes and go to walk past them,'hopefully they don't try to include me in their conversation' I thought,I made it past them but not without making unwanted eye contact with lance,I then made my way to the mess hall to get something to eat.


So,I'm standing with the rest of the cadets with there being a lot of us it was really cramped and stuffy,very uncomfortable I'll tell you that.anyway we were all stood in front of the Sargent major dude,they were talking and I wasn't listening because I've heard this twice in the past,boring I know,all these kids are oblivious to the war that's going on outside of this world in space.

I sigh and realise that I still need to check on blue,I'll have to do that tonight,I can't risk it in pure sunlight,too many noisy people here.

After the speech we all disperse into our own ways due to being given the rest of the evening off,time to check on blue,when everyone went into there rooms,I swiftly changed into normal clothes and left my room,sneaking around the base and to the exit,whilst on my way I didn't fail to notice the three kids from earlier also sneaking around 'what the?' I thought but quickly left the building,noticing a bright tent like thing in the distance,trying my best to ignore it,I get on my hover bike and head to the cave which held blue,once there I hide my bike and rush into the dark cave.

Blue soon lights up at my presents in the cave,I may not be her paladin but she knows me. "Not long blue,I know I've said this before but I feel that the paladin will show up"I mutter softly and place my hand on the force field,looking up to the lion as it did so "I promise you'll have a paladin soon as well as the rest of voltron" 'I hope' I thought after that I sat down near the lion and closed my eyes,just beginning to think about events that have happened throughout my years here.Without realising it I fell asleep from exhaustion.

——————few hours later——————
(While she fell asleep during the whole shiro getting rescued event)

——still (y/n)'s pov——
I was rudely awoken by a group of incredibly annoyingly loud people,I jumped up and hid from the group,I didn't fail to notice that blue began to glow and her force field dropped 'wait what?' I thought due to this,I looked at the group and realised that three of them were familiar 'you have to be kidding me?' I watched the group entered the lion and flew off awfully,I took me a while to realise that they left and there was a galra ship present in the atmosphere "crap." I semi-yelled as I ran out of the cave and did a specific whistle that called storm or the white lion,in which he cane thundering around the corner,I smirk and climb in and zoom swiftly after the blue lion and the group hearing those in the lion screaming in confusion,I sigh and turn on my com "oi if you can hear me could you please stop screaming" I say in an annoyed tone,lance could be heard screaming still "who are you?! And why are you talking to us?!"he screamed "I'm the paladin that's about to kick your screaming ass if you don't shut up and slow down with the lion" lance gives up scream as the others do so also "thank you now you have to listen to me,no talking or going against my words,understand?"

And that's where I'm going to leave it,part two coming soon I apologise if it doesn't make sense,I hope you enjoy the chapter and the rest that is yet to come

Remington out ✌🏻

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