|C h a p t e r 10|

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|The Dare That Started It All|

★K a t i e★

I glanced my eyes over at the Big house's clock for about the billionth time tonight.


I quietly groaned. Only a hour and half more and I'd be free. The Romans had decided to visit before Christmas and talk to the campers about college. They have been talking for about one to two hours and it was going till 10:45.

I had zoned out a long time ago. Seriously, they can't expect a bunch of kids with ADHD to be able to sit still for so long. I looked around to see what everyone else was doing.

Percy was asleep on Annabeth's shoulder, Leo was annoying Calypso, and Frank and Hazel were actually paying attention. Speaking of relationships, it's only been about two days since me and Travis's date. We hadn't really talked since then. It seemed that everytime I tried to talk to him, there would just be a awkward silence or something.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by a familiar voice.

"What?" I asked him as I turned my head to the side to get a better look at him.

"Do you want to play 21 questions, since we still have more then an hour left of this?" Travis asked me.

I thought about it for a second and then said, "Sure, I guess"

I turned my self so I was facing him. By doing this, I got a better look at him and gods was he cute. I had found my self taking glances at Travis more often.

Travis looked a lot like his little brother Connor, which is why they were often mistakes as twins. They both had the same curly brown hair and blue eyes. But Travis's eyes were a deeper blue then his brother. There was also a height difference, seeing that Connor was two year younger then Travis and I. While Connor and Miranda were only fifteen, Travis and I were sixteen.

Travis must have caught me staring, because a smirk appeared on his face and I felt mine getting warmer.

"You go first" I told him in attempts of changing the subject.

"Favorite color?" He asked

"Green, you?" I responded

"Red.....what was your favorite prank that Connor and I pulled?"

I thought about it for a second. I always hated their pranks because they were almost targeted at me.

After a few seconds of hesitation, I replied with, "Probably when Connor dressed up as Spiderman and went into the Athena cabin" I said quietly laughing

"Oh ya, that was hilarious, besides the fact that he came out with a broken leg, black eye, and paper cuts from getting books thrown at him"

We went on like that for a while until we were down to one question. By then I was so tired that I didn't even realize when I layed my head on Travis's shoulder.

I was almost asleep when he whispered in my ear, "Goodnight Kit Kat"

With those three words in my mind, I fell into a peaceful sleep.

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