|C h a p t e r 12|

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|The Dare That Started It All|

★T r a v i s★

We're doing the sing-along but I can't seem to focus. Katie just keeps appearing in my mind. And, it doesn't help that I keep catching her looking at me.

I was also a little nervous about what happened earlier. Because of the dare, the whole camp already thought we were dating. But, maybe if I just man up I can tell her.

Maybe, she likes me too?

I pushed those thoughts away. If I kept thinking about the future I would drive myself crazy.

We only had about another week of the dare. Plus, I would be leaving to see my mom for Thanksgiving. So, I could just deal with this later.

But, a part of me was disappointed- hurt even. I mean, I wanted her to be my girlfriend. I couldn't even look at Katie anymore without getting butterflies and the feeling of wanting to just lean in and kiss her.

To make it even worse, after the dare was done, we would most likely just go back to the way it was. Me pranking her, then her yelling at me, and that's it. We could still talk, but, it wouldn't be the same. It would just be me annoying her while she's working.

The only way Katie would ever talk to me is if I would prank her. That's the real reason I prank her. Not because she has the best reaction, but because it's the only way I can get her attention.

But maybe, if I started to hang out with her more while we're 'dating', we could be friends when it's back to normal. Even if I get friend-zoned hard it will still be worth it.

She's worth it.



After the sing-along, I headed back to my cabin. When I was done getting changed, I hopped into bed. I was super tired, so, I thought that I would get a good night's sleep.

In my dream:

I was back in my old house, sleeping peacefully in my bed, when I heard a noise. It sounded like it came from downstairs. Thinking it was Miranda or Dad getting water, I fell back asleep. But then I heard it again, this time closer. I quietly got out of bed and popped my head out the door. There I saw it. A huge monster about ten feet tall. But the thing most unusual was that he only had one eye.

When he saw me he immidiately lunged at me, no longer bothering to be quiet. I barely had enough time to move out of the way. Dad then came running out of his room. When he saw the monster, he grabbed my arm and dragged me to Miranda's room. She was already up so dad grabbed her and then opened the sliding door in her room.

I could hear the monster getting closer, so dad handed Miranda for me to carry. He then told me to jump. I was only 9 so I didn't even know what was happening. I was already crying so hard I could barely see. but I took Miranda and jumped off. We were on the second story so I braced myself for a bad fall. But it never came because when I looked down a whole tree had grew and caught Miranda and I.

Then I saw myself running towards Camp Half-Blood. I was still crying and barely consious. I was holding Miranda and dad was gone. Daddy had stoled the monster, but he was gaining on me. I was yelling for help and trying to go as fast as I could.

Then I saw a boy my age with a helmet and sword way to big for him. When he saw me, he called out to somewhere I couldn't see. I looked back and saw the monster. I knew we wouldn't make it in time so I put down Miranda and told her to run to the boy. She was clearly scared and confused but did what I told her. I then faced the monster hoping I would give Miranda enough time to get to safety.

He lunged at me and grabbed me. But before he could kill me, several trees expanded and grabbed hold of his legs. He was so shocked that he dropped me. Unfortunately, I was dropped from high up and this time the trees didn't catch me.

I was dizzy and lightheaded because of blood loss. I saw the boy from earlier run up to me. He picked me up and started to carry me to where he came from. I was crying and yelling but the boy only smiled at me and told me, "It's okay, your safe"

Then, I saw a older version of me. The boy with the blue eyes was next to me and telling me a joke. I laughed as we ran into the woods. Then out of nowhere a hell hound came and leaped at me. It tackled me and trapped me on the ground. I heard the boy scream and then the monster was gone. I wasn't hurt badly but the boy was. He fell to the ground with me screaming for him to wake up. Even though it was only a dream I still knew that he was gone.

I woke up with tears running down my face. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest and my chest felt constricted, making it hard for me to breath. But even worse, I felt scared and afraid that the boy was dead and the monster was gonna get me. Then realization hit me like a slap in the face.


The boy was Travis Stoll

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