|C h a p t e r 26|

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|The Dare That Started It All|

★K a t i e★

"Katie-Kat, time to wake up..." A voice called out in my sleepy daze.

"Wake up....." The voice called out again, this time more impatient.

I once again ignored the pleading and stayed asleep.

"Wake up!" The same voice screamed in my ear.

Wrong move buddy.

Due to my battle reflexes, I shoot up into a sitting position with my fist directed straight out in front of me. My hand connects with something hard and a painful grunt follows.

Slowly my eyes fluttered open and I take notice of my surroundings. I'm currently sitting upright in my bed with my hand straight out. Meanwhile, Travis is groaning on the floor beside my bed.

"Was that really necessary?" He asks from his place on the floor.

A small smile appears on my face as I stare down at his disheveled form. His blue eyes staring back at me, a pout playing on his lips. I roll my eyes at his childish behavior, rubbing the exhaustion out if my eyes, and drag myself to my feet. Travis sticks his arms out in the air for me to help him up.

"Why did you wake me up?" I whine. Reluctantly, I help Travis up to his feet, struggling and grunting the entire time. How much muscle does he have on him?

He chuckles softly sending a shiver down my spine. "Really Katie-Kat? You forgot about one of the most special days of the year?"

I stare at him blankly, signaling him to continue.

"It's Christmas!" He shouts, like a five year old. He stares at me with a goofy smile.

I simply roll my eyes again, a ghost of a smile on my face, as, he gets up from the floor and walks over to my bed. My breath hitches slightly, as, he lays down on my cabin bed, placing his head in my lap.

I will admit we've gotten a lot closer in the past few weeks, since, we are still pretending to be dating. I can tell we're both more comfortable with each other, and if I'm being completely honest, it kind of scares me. I've finally come to terms with my feelings towards Travis, which, is only going to make it harder, if, it all ends after the dare. There is a chance that he likes me back, but, I can't be too sure.

These thoughts run through my mind as I mindlessly run my hands through Travis's hair, a comfortable silence hovering over us. After a few seconds, I feel his body shift, so, he was facing me. He opens his mouth as if he's going to say something, but, ends up closing it. Finally, he breaks the silence, saying mischievously, "Do you think we could sneak some hot chocolate?"

The answer is quick to my lips: "Let's do it,"


"Mmmmm, God's I love you!" I moan, when I'm hit with the heavenly smell of hot chocolate. I slowly take a sip of the Godly liquid, while, trying to appreciate the snow falling, as, we both sat next to each other on the porch of his cabin.

I hear a deep chuckle, and I look up to see Travis smirking. "If you don't stop soon, people are going to get the wrong impression." He tells me, still smirking. My jaw drops before I lean over and punch him in the arm.

"Why, are you always so violent with me Katie Kat?" He asks, rubbing his sore arm.

"Shut up!" I yell, punching him again, harder this time.

He let's out a strange animal noise in the back of his throat making me burst out laugh. His face turns a deep shade of red, only giving me another excuse to laugh.

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