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I was once an innocent mortal. Fearing only death and being a disappointment to my family. It was a simple, love-filled life. Something that I always have and always will take advantage of or be oblivious to. It wasn't necessary in my life.

I was fifteen summers old when He found me. I had been washing the clothes for my father's landlord who had a favoring to me. No one in the seven kingdoms liked this man for he was fat, old, and bald. He had many wives and still hired women, that was one reason i didn't mind killing him. Yes, i killed him with nothing but his own dagger.

My father, brothers, uncles, and male cousins were working the fields. My mother, sisters, aunts, and female cousins were doing things like cooking and cleaning the house. Nowhere near me or my horrible deeds.

The Great Assassin had appeared from behind a bedding sheet, gently whisking it aside for him to step into the ring of them. Then he threw back his black hood, revealing a extremely attractive face meant for brooding in a corner some wheres. His violet eyes shone with something I couldn't place and his dark hair swung in curls, dripping towards his eyebrows that were arched in questioning.

I stiffened.

He does not approach people but for two reasons. One) to kill them and two) to recruit them. For females it was always the former. Females are weak, according to the kingdoms.

This is why when he reached out to caress my cheek, Iflinched. I had yet to look him directly into the eyes so as to not show my fear. Yet he laughed, his whole face lit up when he did.

"Don't fear, precious. I'm not here to hurt you, but the landlord needs to be cleansed today. Would you assist me?" He asked, placing his hand under my chin and lifting my face so i could look him in the eyes.


"I won't force you, precious."

I nodded. He grinned.

"Lead me to him."

And so I did. I walked him through the halls, all the way to his bedchambers. We passed no servants at all. Strange.

I knocked on the door. "Lord Williams?"

"Come, dearest," he replied. I shuddered in absolute disgust.

I opened the door, stepping inside. He must've seen Him behind me because he drew a jeweled dagger yelling at me to hide. The Assassin stepped forward calmly and the old man threw his knife, aiming for the heart.

Out of reflex, I reached out and snatched the handle before it reached its target. In a minute I had the knife fleeing in the opposite direction, towards it's master. Only this time, the target was hit.

The Assassin looked an extend.

"What's your name, precious?" He asked me.

"I am Ezra."

He smiled. "And I am Azriel. Would you like to join my Forces?"


It has been three years. I haven't aged physically, nor has my friend, Azriel.

Azzy and I were always together. No matter what. Even while bathing, he would keep look out in a tree while I bathed and I would do the same for him. People liked- no, they loved to make us a subject of gossip. At least in the Forces they do. Saying the most preposterous things about us! While in reality, he thought he owed his life to me. Even though he knew what I would do.

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