vi. Imposter

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vi. Imposter

"I SWEAR I'M starting to think you're an imposter!"

Thea jumps at Dean's loud voice coming from right next to her ear. He's leaning over the sofa to rest his head on her shoulder, which she realises when she turns to look at him and finds his face about a millimetre from hers.

"Why's that?" she asks.

She knows exactly why.

"You know exactly why, tiger!" Dean exclaims, leaping over the sofa to sit next to her.

"Could you not just walk around the sofa like a normal person?" Thea asks, closing her book and placing it on the chess table in front of her.

"Stop trying to distract me and tell me why you're in Umbridge's Slytherin gang!"

Thea rolls her eyes.

"She basically cornered me after my detention with Harry! She sent him out and my lord, I thought I'd died and went to hell. I think my mother had something to do with it as well. So I literally couldn't say no!"

Dean slaps his forehead and feigns realisation. "Oh shit, I forgot you physically couldn't pronounce the word no. You literally just said it! You should've said no to her!"

"Well, no, I couldn't, she'd have got my mum fired, and I would have been taken out –"

"There it is again, that funny sounding word coming out of Thea's mouth that she can't say –"

"Shut up, you're pissing me off now, that woman terrifies me. I could do without putting even more of a target on my back." Thea runs a hand over her face. "I should never have gone against her in the hall that day. I set the whole precedent."

Dean shakes his head. "I think you did the right thing. I was so proud of you."

Thea smiles, her heart lighting up in her chest.

"I trust that you know what you're doing, so just do what you need to do. But be careful." Dean says shortly.

"I will!"

"And don't come crying to me when Harry falls out with you for hanging out with Strenegal."

Thea huffs, "I've already spoken to him about it."

"And has he fallen out with you?"

"I don't know, to be honest. He's pretty confusing." Thea shrugs. "But I don't think he hates me."

Dean snickers. "What a great result."

Thea huffs. "I'm going for lunch, are you coming?"


"You can come on one condition. You stop pissing me off."

"I'll go along with that simply because I'm starving." Dean stands up and smiles back at her murderous glare as she flounces out of the common room, storming to the Great Hall with Dean next to her.

It's not long before they're laughing about McGonagall wiping the floor with Umbridge in their Transfiguration lesson just that afternoon.

"I thought McGonagall was going to curse the living daylights out of Umbridge," she says. "I wish she had."

The weeks speed by, and the only thing of note is that everyone's still whispering about her being in the Inquisitorial Squad, and some prick has spread a rumour that she's dating Strenegal. As she sits, half asleep in a History of Magic lesson, she realises that she has so much homework that even thinking about it is hurting her head, never mind actually doing it and that's without counting revision too. That night, she begrudgingly stays up with Dean to get the homework, at least, finished, and they don't leave the common room until gone midnight, too tired to even say goodnight.

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