xv. Terrible Timing

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xv. Terrible Timing

"FIRST OF ALL, just because I'm confused about the Harry thing, doesn't mean everyone should just assume that I fancy him." Thea sits down on the sofa with a loud sigh.

Dean raises his eyebrows, looking up at her from the floor. "Last time I checked, me, Daisy and Hermione...all of three people, didn't count for everyone."

Thea shoots him a glare.

"Second of all, I still can't stop feeling guilty about the Jude situation...don't look at me like that, I know your stance on it, but you said you understand!" Thea exclaims to Dean during their free period, who's sprawled across the sofa of the otherwise empty common room, since it's almost lunchtime on a Tuesday. "Third of all, my mum is on the warpath, so just a heads up, I'm not sure you'll see me alive again after summer. I just don't know what to do –!"

"What you could do," Dean interrupts, looking up at his friend sincerely. "Is forget about everything except the fact that you have important exams coming up soon –"

"But –"

"Thea. I know that you don't want to take these exams because of everything else that's currently going on. You're not the only one. But there's nothing you can do, you have to take them, so you might as well use the time you're wasting on the things you can't control and actually put in some revision, so you can at least pass!" Dean exclaims.

Thea rolls her eyes, but she realises that she does need to at least pass her exams to get a good job after Hogwarts. Before she can stop it, the image of her mother's disappointed face at her report card of all Ts for 'Troll' flashes across her mind.

"Why are you so right all the time?" Thea huffs, grabbing her bag and pulling out a year's worth of Potions notes and starting to underline and circle important parts.

Dean grins at her. "So you admit defeat?"

"Oh, bugger off!" she launches a pillow at his head, which only makes him start to laugh.

A comfortable silence settles over them, and just as Thea is reading her notes about how to brew Veritaserum, Dean starts to talk. "You know, Dumbledore's gone."

Thea rolls her eyes. "Yes, Dean, I don't live under a rock."

"I was just telling you!"

"I know. But anyway, I don't know why he would leave at a time like this, I mean, he has terrible timing."

"Dumbledore knows what he's doing," Dean retorts.

"That doesn't mean he's right," Thea says back, pulling a face of disdain. "I don't understand how he could leave Harry on his own –"

"Harry this, Harry that – you talk a lot about him for someone who 'doesn't like him'," Dean interrupts her, his eyes shining mischievously.

"Seamus this, Seamus that –"

"Shut up!" Dean half-yells, glaring at her.

"That's what I thought," she hums, standing up. "I'm going for a walk, Potions is boring."

"So are you!" Dean calls after her as she leaves through the portrait, rather proud of herself.

Thea's happy it's April now. She doesn't need her hat, scarf and gloves anymore when she has a morning walk, because the sun comes up a little earlier and stops her from freezing to death. The air is still a little colder than just fresh, so it calms her, which is why she loves the morning. She likes seeing the daffodils, tulips and daises that bloom and dance next to the Black Lake too, which dazzles in the light. This feeling of peace is what wraps around her as she walks through the corridor, but it's interrupted a little too soon by a huge bang. For a moment, Thea's startled, and her heart begins to race.

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