xxx ⟶ Choose

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xxx. Choose

THEA IS EXTREMELY pissed off. She makes her way to the hospital wing after parting ways with Polly, who is lucky enough to get to take part in the Apparation lessons, while she was forced into another check-up in the hospital wing.

She's huffing to herself about how unfair it is, when the walls around her seem to bend, and she has to stumble onto one of benches along the side of the corridor to stop her head spinning and wait for the heat in her chest to smoulder away.

She splutters a little, before pushing herself up tentatively and finally reaching the hospital wing, to be faced with five Healers and Madame Pomfrey, all holding clipboards, and some fiddling with potions in bottles, flasks and tubes.

"Lovely," she mutters to herself, taking a seat where Madame Pomfrey instructs her to, refusing to hide the bitterness on her face.

A light on the end of a wand is shoved in her face, while the scratching of a quill fills her ears.

This is going to be long, she thinks. And I can't even roll my eyes to make it even the slightest more bearable.

Eventually, a cold, miserable February comes to a close, and Thea finds herself in the library, alone. She hasn't spoken to anyone besides Polly and Draco, who always tells her Eden's struggling to keep her head up, but she's not letting anyone in to help and he's kind of watching her slip into this pit of self-destruction and can't do anything about it. Ron and Hermione always let onto her with a small smile, but hurry past before any real conversation can take place. Thea is starting to miss Dean especially, but she can't find it in herself to bother him, and Harry... well, she thinks she'd probably die of awkwardness.

Her venture to the library is encouraged by the possibility that a certain dark-haired Slytherin will be there, with his curly head buried in a book. They won't talk, she's sure, but it's just nice to know that he's doing OK. If they see each other, they'll at least know that the other's still there if they need them... she tells herself that she'll catch his eye, smile then –

"Thea! Merlin, I've been looking for you absolutely everywhere!"

Thea frowns. "I'm literally in the library, which is always the first place you come if you need anything... what's wrong with you?"

Thea looks up at Hermione to see her eyes are red and puffy, like she's been crying, and all of the colour is drained from her face.

"Yes, well, you aren't a book, are you? Just come on, Ron's in the hospital –"

"What? What happened? Is he alright?" Thea rushes out, leaping out of her seat and charging from the room so loudly that Madame Pince throws her a deathly glare and hushes her.

Hermione purses her lips. "He was poisoned."


"Something about Harry taking him to Slughorn because he ate some Chocolate Cauldrons full of a love potion, then they had a glass of mead to celebrate Ron's birthday..."

Ron's birthday...shit. She completely forgot.

Her stomach twists uncomfortably as she tunes back into Hermione's explanation, a frown knitting the girl's eyebrows together.

"....and then he just fell to the ground and started foaming at the mouth...please, don't make me think about it anymore, I've been so so worried!"

They eventually reach the hospital wing, to find Harry, Ginny, Fred and George are already placed around a bed, hiding Ron from view.

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